Hudson's Hornets

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If you want to join this organisation, please post an application underneith. Here's the template:

IC name/Steam name: (Your name on the server/ Your Steam name)

IRL age: (How old are you?)

Firearms level: (Your firearms crafting level)

Playtime: (How long it says you have been playing, above your inventory)

Are you experienced with shootouts? (Are you experienced with firearms?)

Are you capable of getting your own weapons? (Can you craft them? Buy them?)

Are you capable of keeping a character as a silent and tough person? (Are you experienced with developing characters or even roleplaying?)

Are you willing to change clothes? (Can you even afford it?)

Do you have a car? (Minicooper counts aswell)

Have you ever been a member of another organisation? What was it/they named?:
(The names of your past organisations and your position)

Here is an example of what it might look like. These aren't necessarily the only answers I accept:

Hi, I would like to join this organisation.

IC name/Steam name: (John Smith/Pineapplejuice)

IRL age: (16)

Firearms level: (69)

Playtime: (2 weeks)

Are you experienced with shootouts? (Yes. I've won several.)

Are you capable of getting your own weapons? (Yes. I can craft my own, and I know where to buy some.)

Are you capable of keeping a character as a silent and tough guard? (No. I don't like to be quiet.)

Are you willing to change clothes? (Yes, I am.)

Do you have a car? (I got a Ford Transit.)

Have you ever been a member of another organisation? What was it/they named?: (No. This is my first.)

I will notify you via the forums if you have been accepted or not.
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My name is John Jordan (Lixerd The Lizard)
Playtime (3Days.) on this server. (I have a play time of 4 weeks on a similar server)
Ive gotten 7 genes (strength I Intelligecne II Preception II and Regen I)
Im willing to buy a uniform if needed.
Im a classic drug dealer on this server.
I got alot of melee's in my storage as well ammo and magazins.
I have been in many shootout trough history and won many like 75% of 100 Or 7,5/10
I do NOT wanna be security gard im not work got at it.
I can do dirty jobs as hitman if needed!
IC name/Steam name: (Felix Warren/ Insane Granola)

Firearms level: (2/100 but i usually go as police)

Playtime: (i used to play on this server nearly all the time, about 4 months ago but then stop playing for a bit then got back into it about 5 days ago. I used to be in the hitmen royale)

Are you experienced with shootouts? (i am experienced with firearms as i used to be in a gang , S.W.A.T and police)

Are you capable of getting your own weapons? (I am capable of buying weapons and hopefully working for you start crafting guns)

Are you capable of keeping a character as a silent and tough person? (i am able to do this, however if you need me to change my name now i will also i will be tough and be told to do anything)

Are you willing to change clothes? (yes i can afford clothes, at the moment i have a blue suit on)

Do you have a car? (i have 2 vehicles: ford transit and a hummer both coloured black)

Have you ever been a member of another organisation? What was it/they named?:
(i used to be with the hitmen royale and i was pretty high up)
Ic name: Aidan Dunham

Steam Name: Puffy sandvich

Irl age: 13

Firearms level: 2 (i think)

Playtime: 2-3 weeks

Shootout experience: I have been in, and won MANY shootouts with handguns as police. i am looking to switch my orientation to crime however.

Capability of self sustaining firearms: Yes.

Can you keep quiet?: If you pay me, yes. But if there is no incentive, a few words might slip out.

Do you own a car: Mini cooper S

Have you been in other orgs: The riddle family (Godfather) The Paralake Partnership (Mafioso)

Organization has disbanded.
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