Hurricanes and shit


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As you most probably know hurricane Harvey just passed, doing so creates a bigger one called erma or some shit, well it's due to hit puorto Rica and Barbados and many other Caribbean islands, usually I wouldn't really care just something on the news, but I'm stranded in Cuba, one of the places it's going to hit bad, so I thought I'd make light of my death and also so
My mates in the perp community can see I'm alive to this point and I miss another week or so of schools suck on that nerds (@Mage @Moon The Goon @Fusions @MrAaron ) um yeah, it's a category 5 or something aprantly that's bad, I should know I'm a very highly rated geologist, I go to geography sometimes when I'm not in the mix of a act of god... I'd like to say a few honourable mentions if I don't ever get to see the light of paralake again.

@John Daymon you banned me a lot cheers bud

@MrAaron ur a good laugh

@Moon The Goon ur nice in game sometimes but ur bros a cunt but it's kind of the other way round irl, but he knows I'd absolutely have him on mine craft so tell him to sit down

@Mango still shit scared of you

@cardstarvipe dont really like you (just a opinion don't fucking ban be for slander)

@Mage ur a fucking clever clogs but ur quite funny when you make fun of Vlad and his smellyness

@finlay3110 i want some voice acting bud now ur balls have dropped

Serves you right for going to Cuba

A real Englishmen embraces a damp caravan in a overcast field somewhere in Devon smelling of horse shit
that's not particularly useful when it's a big storm that could tear the fucking building apart you ape
move out
TFW you don't even know the facts about a hurricane, which could kill you

"Erma", no it's called Irma
"Barbados", it'll hit Barbuda and Antigua

Nah, but Irma is a serious fucking hurricane. It took out 90% of Barbuda's structures. It might be a small island, but 90% is still a shit ton of destruction. Just get the fuck out of Cuba already or hide in a wine cellar. It worked for Richard Branson


good luck dude, try and find the best place to hide. just contnue rp and report him afterwards for 2.5
Hope you die, screw you for leaving me to do media studies on my own.
P.S I go to school with the kid and I know he'd say the same to me, I'm not that edgy
Edit: Just realised there is a possibility you could die, I take that back don't die. If you get the chance get on a pc and gimme ur perp money mate :kappa:
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Hope you die, screw you for leaving me to do media studies on my own.
P.S I go to school with the kid and I know he'd say the same to me, I'm not that edgy
Edit: Just realised there is a possibility you could die, I take that back don't die. If you get the chance get on a pc and gimme ur perp money mate :kappa:
Fuck you giving my money to Kyle carter murphy
Lets just take a minute to look at the hurricane :booty:
It's Irma not Harvey now you spoon
[DOUBLEPOST=1504802026][/DOUBLEPOST]Through recent inspection this is some mad karma and I deserve to die in the very hurricane I made fun of about 2 weeks ago


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good thing trump wont let jose into the usa
[DOUBLEPOST=1504857661,1504804979][/DOUBLEPOST]UPDATE: The hurricane was due at 2am, so we all got scurried into a room, bearing in mind half the resort (Canadians and posh English) have been evacuated by Canada air and virgin Atlantic, only Thomas cook passengers are left (us sad cunts who can't afford virgin) so instead of evacuating us like the rest of the lucky ones we get locked in a night club with a few blankets, anyway long story short the hurricane must of got caught in a bit of traffic and is now due at 7 keep you updated stay woke
[DOUBLEPOST=1504979513][/DOUBLEPOST]UPDATE: I'm okay, wind was like jet engines, I set up a gopro before a storm and it was still there when I got back so hopefully we have some footage for the perpheads community.. Cuba doesn't look the same.. sand everywhere most buildings don't have roofs and everyone's very roudy, now everything is over Thomas cook reps are legit in tears because we weren't evacuated, the lied to us said it was a tropical storm.... but the eye was 100 miles off the coast which sounds like a lot but it's like a pube hair away so we were right in the thicc of it (intended thicc joke I know it's thick you melts) anyway after all that carry on we've been told there's another one behind it called Josè which is due to hit. Looks like there's another hurricane thread coming,