I don't want to be a member anymore.

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I have been inactive, I rejoined a couple of months ago.

Since I rejoined, I have been unhappy with PERPHeads' current state, as-well as it's members (members who joined since mid-2016 as-well as some staff members). I would comment further on the matter but it would result in my banning from the forums due to 'disrespect' and 'slander'.

The only reason I have been connecting recently is to see the very few people I call friends. Some of the people I thought were friends became staff members and turned into fucking tossers.

I have left in the past, but this time I am deadly serious.
I have no idea why I connect to PERPHeads anymore. I would tag people but my friends know who they are.
friends became staff members and turned into fucking tossers.

Leave our TOSSERS alone


Not only are you very sexy you are also very friendly and really canny. Its a shame to see you leave but if you ever do come back you know who to piss about with :) Bye Zayne. Will miss you very much :(