I will, as of now, be stepping down from my position as a moderator. I was accepted as an enforcer the 4th of January, 2016, and I was grateful for this. I have enjoyed playing on Perpheads ever since I joined in early 2014, but over the past few months, my activity has been quite poor. I no longer find it as fun to play on Perpheads, not because it has gotten worse or alike, but that I now prefer doing other things.
The Senior-Administration Team has given me more than enough time for me to improve on my activity in order to maintain my position, and for that I am grateful. I have hold onto my moderator position as I find it enjoyable being able to help out, and as such I hoped I would regain interest in playing on Perpheads. It is, however, now evident that I will not be reestablishing my activity any time soon, and as such I see no reason for me to hold the positon anymore. @MrLewis & @Bolli would eventually have to revoke the staff position from me regardless, but I do not see any reason in me forcing them to make that decision due to me refusing to give up something that I no longer deserve.
I would like to give my thanks to the Administration Team, both the previous one, from when I was granted a staff rank, and the current one. I have had a great time being a member of PH ever since I joined in 2014. I will not be doing a long tagging list because that would leave a lot of people out. Although I will remain inactive from the server, I will probably be frequenting the forums as it has become a habit to check it out daily. I would also like to thank everyone I have played with on PH for making me have an enjoyable time, there's been quite a few experiences throughout the last 3 years, some more odd that others. Have some images from throughout my stay. It has been great being able to help out as staff. :trande:
4th of January, 2016 - 28th of April, 2017
The Senior-Administration Team has given me more than enough time for me to improve on my activity in order to maintain my position, and for that I am grateful. I have hold onto my moderator position as I find it enjoyable being able to help out, and as such I hoped I would regain interest in playing on Perpheads. It is, however, now evident that I will not be reestablishing my activity any time soon, and as such I see no reason for me to hold the positon anymore. @MrLewis & @Bolli would eventually have to revoke the staff position from me regardless, but I do not see any reason in me forcing them to make that decision due to me refusing to give up something that I no longer deserve.
I would like to give my thanks to the Administration Team, both the previous one, from when I was granted a staff rank, and the current one. I have had a great time being a member of PH ever since I joined in 2014. I will not be doing a long tagging list because that would leave a lot of people out. Although I will remain inactive from the server, I will probably be frequenting the forums as it has become a habit to check it out daily. I would also like to thank everyone I have played with on PH for making me have an enjoyable time, there's been quite a few experiences throughout the last 3 years, some more odd that others. Have some images from throughout my stay. It has been great being able to help out as staff. :trande: