Acerius Messages 1,041 Reaction score 1,918 Points 835 Location London, United Kingdom Apr 7, 2014 #1 I fucked up, really, fucked up.
MrLewis Messages 1,693 Reaction score 4,435 Points 620 Apr 7, 2014 #2 Wooow xD "Fucking Tech Support"
Senlin Messages 796 Reaction score 242 Points 495 Location United Kingdom Apr 7, 2014 #3 You've messed up there...
LEWIS 088 Messages 2,549 Reaction score 5,476 Points 895 Location Germany Apr 7, 2014 #4 Ooo whats that link for, * Clicks link* Oh...
Robin Ljungberg Messages 1,066 Reaction score 2,093 Points 705 Location La Cosa Nostra Apr 7, 2014 #5 HAhaha. Well done bro xD
blackdown Messages 1,172 Reaction score 2,091 Points 870 Location United States of America Apr 8, 2014 #6 When my mom opens my laptop *Opens slowly* *Nods head* *Closes slowly* *RANDOM BURST OF FUCKING RAGE THAT ALL HELL CANNOT CONTROL*
When my mom opens my laptop *Opens slowly* *Nods head* *Closes slowly* *RANDOM BURST OF FUCKING RAGE THAT ALL HELL CANNOT CONTROL*
Trande Guest Apr 9, 2014 #7 My mother luckily has a "I don't care about your browser history"-policy lol. Well, Acerius, you just love pornhub. I remember your favourites category. hehe
My mother luckily has a "I don't care about your browser history"-policy lol. Well, Acerius, you just love pornhub. I remember your favourites category. hehe
EVIL Messages 386 Reaction score 976 Points 500 Location Behind you Apr 9, 2014 #8 So that's what goes down in the music lounge....
PhlyTrikx Messages 253 Reaction score 79 Points 370 Location France, Lyon Apr 10, 2014 #9 Yeah. I guess pornhub Sound FX count as music
The Real Black Jesus Messages 282 Reaction score 152 Points 320 Location Dat Ass Apr 10, 2014 #10 I can't open pornhub in my country, so Please someone tell me what the video is xD. The curiosity is killing me.
I can't open pornhub in my country, so Please someone tell me what the video is xD. The curiosity is killing me.
Mekls Messages 444 Reaction score 810 Points 775 Location Latvija Apr 10, 2014 #11 Good fucking job xd
joR Messages 2,682 Reaction score 7,405 Points 935 Apr 10, 2014 #12 Who even attempts to share videos like that. Tech support... Pfft.
derrickyoung Banned Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 10, 2014 #13 definitely didn't do that on purpose... absolutely not..