I'm out.

Reaction score
Lately I haven't really been online that much, why? I lost interest in PERPHeads and it is just impossible for me to have fun the last few weeks. My CSEs are getting closer and soon I will be trained for my CSEs.

Back in the days I had shit tons of fun, I got over 2.3k hours on GMod by only playing PERPHeads. I remember the times where I got my first 'actual' car when I was in Bullyreece his organization. I remember the days I met the people I still play games with today. I remember when I was so happy just because I got over a million dollars in virtual money and got to buy my Mercedes, only to find out everyone had one (feelsbadman). PERPHeads managed to make me happy when I was down and I am grateful for all of this. My playtime slowly went from being online every single day to being online once or twice a month, I lost the fun. People are getting way too serious, rules seem like actual real laws, they are being enforced better than the actual laws in real life (where I live atleast). This is not a bad thing of course but almost every single player creates beef over a minor thing. Don't get me wrong, I've done it myself aswell but this has ruined PERPHeads for me. Not calling names but some staff members are becoming literal 'Nazi-Mods/Admins/Senior-Admins'. Getting banned for doing the most minor thing, even if you had 0 warnings and 0 bans on record. PERPHeads has changed.

I'm out.

@Esteboon the Squatalot
@Jeremy Clarkson
@Josef Stalin
@Moon The Goon
@Philip Matthews
I forgot so many people because I couldn't find your forum name.

Almost forgot, thanks @Ash and @Sdac2 for getting me my first ban.
1.1 | 3.26 | 2.1 |- The user decided to insult someone OOC'ly in LOOC chat calling him a 'cunt' which the user has had previous warnings for this, he claims he 'gets mad' which isn't out fault. Secondly, the user decided to do unrealistic /me commands, '/me attempts to break the cuffs', which obviously they're metal and he's detained so he cannot really fight back. Lastly, the user used information in OOC chat to use Ic'ly as part of an event which was taking place. The user has had several warnings for this before and it will not be tolerated, reached 10 warnings

Oh and yes this is also my resignation from the PLPD.
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Have to agree with you in most of this. I don't really play anymore either, partially for the same reasons as you.

Sad to see you go anyhow. We've really had shittons of fun times together, and I hope to still keep contact with you, and play with you occasionally.

Mucho love,

Ebbe vkisrskdjrjsnnisbsb ;)
RIP Synatec.

You're not the only one who lost interest in perp, or stopped playing the server altogether.

Obviously it's your choice, but you don't have to leave the forums as all it really takes is to just idle on the site and tab in whenever you feel bothered.

In any case, the door is here if you're leaving for good.

Leave your opinion, please.
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@Synatec , sad to see you go, you were one of the first people ive met on this server had loads of fun with you , Good luck with what ever you do in the future !
This is sad to see tbh, you've been a good laugh synatec and I wish you the best of luck with your exams.

In regards to the server being 'too strict' I would love for you to elaborate. The only way we're going to improve the experience for everyone who joins is by members speaking out and explaining why they're losing interest, as long as they back it up with something reasonable of course. The whole premise of Perp being 'strict' is simply based on whether or not the staff team are enforcing the rules properly or not, which is one thing I've been focusing on hugely since I've gained this position.

At the end of the day this is sad, we've had a lot of laughs and I hate the fact that you've left over the reasons you've stated, stay in touch friend.
I wish I could've known you better. I wish you best of luck in the future and in your CSE training, don't worry too much about it :)

Come back some time after, yeah?
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Lately I haven't really been online that much, why? I lost interest in PERPHeads and it is just impossible for me to have fun the last few weeks. My CSEs are getting closer and soon I will be trained for my CSEs.

Back in the days I had shit tons of fun, I got over 2.3k hours on GMod by only playing PERPHeads. I remember the times where I got my first 'actual' car when I was in Bullyreece his organization. I remember the days I met the people I still play games with today. I remember when I was so happy just because I got over a million dollars in virtual money and got to buy my Mercedes, only to find out everyone had one (feelsbadman). PERPHeads managed to make me happy when I was down and I am grateful for all of this. My playtime slowly went from being online every single day to being online once or twice a month, I lost the fun. People are getting way too serious, rules seem like actual real laws, they are being enforced better than the actual laws in real life (where I live atleast). This is not a bad thing of course but almost every single player creates beef over a minor thing. Don't get me wrong, I've done it myself aswell but this has ruined PERPHeads for me. Not calling names but some staff members are becoming literal 'Nazi-Mods/Admins/Senior-Admins'. Getting banned for doing the most minor thing, even if you had 0 warnings and 0 bans on record. PERPHeads has changed.

I'm out.

@Esteboon the Squatalot
@Jeremy Clarkson
@Josef Stalin
@Moon The Goon
@Philip Matthews
I forgot so many people because I couldn't find your forum name.

Almost forgot, thanks @Ash and @Sdac2 for getting me my first ban.
1.1 | 3.26 | 2.1 |- The user decided to insult someone OOC'ly in LOOC chat calling him a 'cunt' which the user has had previous warnings for this, he claims he 'gets mad' which isn't out fault. Secondly, the user decided to do unrealistic /me commands, '/me attempts to break the cuffs', which obviously they're metal and he's detained so he cannot really fight back. Lastly, the user used information in OOC chat to use Ic'ly as part of an event which was taking place. The user has had several warnings for this before and it will not be tolerated, reached 10 warnings

Oh and yes this is also my resignation from the PLPD.
Sorry to see you go but real life is more important i sat here reading that and to be fair looking back at all the funny shit that's happened on PERP you brought me the good memories back ahah. You are right and i also don't agree with the ban happy staff members but if you wanna play this server it seems you either have to make sure you don't break a single rule or you got crawl in some staff ass if you wanna get a Get outta PERP bullshit card which just means your screwed in either direction. But yeah man glad i found someone i can relate to on here shame you are gone but good luck on the Grades and what not maybe see you on perp someday :P