Increased money from bank robbery [Suggestion]

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Main Idea: Increase the % of city funds gained from bank robbery

Full description of the idea: Change the % of city funds gained from bank robbery to 70%, and split it between the people in the vault during the ongoing bank robbery. This means that the people robbing the bank are now getting profit from robbing it.

Why should it be added?: Currently, when robbing the bank it is rare for it to work, let alone get out alive with it successfuly occuring, and when you do you get away with something it's a low amount and you really gain next to no profit due to the resources used in the process (bandages, ammo, maybe fuel etc.).

As a result, maybe if the bank robbery was changed to be something around 70% (that's debatable) of the current city funds, and have it shared out between all the people within the vault. Therefore robbing the bank would be worth the risk and there would actually be reward and profit from it now instead of just doing it for the sake of starting a shootout (essentially all it is at the moment since you gain nexto nothing).

  • Bank is robbed more regularly
  • The robbers actually gain profit from robbing then bank

  • City funds might get constantly depleted quickly
Lets say you win the bank robbery ::
You get less money than a kid from Africa.
You lose a ton of ammo.
Org members might die and lose gun.
You lose the robbery ::
You lose guns worth 15k
Lose ammo
Lose bandages
Potential 10k ticket
10 year jail sentence.
Please add this because I have never bothered robbing the bank due to people telling me that it is not worth it and you don't earn that much from it.
+support right now its such a waste robbing the bank, right now people really only do it for the fun of popping a few cops. I feel as if it was increased people would actually rob the bank for the money instead of the killing, good idea.
Fully agree with your idea, I tend to rob the bank when there are not many players online so the police can have some fun. I don't mind losing items.
But if I do win, I barely get anything even if the city funds are 100k. You always lose money, no matter what. Weapons are not cheap anymore.

I want to actually get rewarded with a proper reward instead of 15 burgers worth of money.
I fully agree with this. I've robbed the bank more times than any of my friends (succeded ofc) and have been experiencing the lack of money you get. How a bank robbery system needs to work is like this:
  • Players need to take risks for high rewards
  • Make it a fun and bug-less experience
  • Explained in detail
The only reason I rob the bank nowadays is because its fun to shoot up an entire cop force and survive, like taking part in extreme sports. Your heart is racing but when you finish you had fun and had a laugh with your friends but at the same time lost money. Right now you get pocket lint and I could litteraly make more money by raiding and mugging a sweater with a fully loaded, 8 mag M82 rather than raiding the bank. The one more problem I have with the bank is that it was never explained in detail. It's one of those things you figure out the more you do it. I fully support this thread. If @Fredy @StephenPuffs and @Xquality could give their thoughts on this idea, it would be great.

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