Indefinite Leave

Reaction score

I've been apart of this community for several years now and the community itself was one of my main hobbies a couple of years ago. There's a lot of nostalgia that's still associated with this community, however, over the past couple of years I've been gradually losing interest, hitting its peak where I haven't been on the server in over a month; this is accompanied by the fact that I have a few work opportunities and wouldn't have time to balance the server and the community, even if I did still have interest. Thus, I don't see myself having a reason or time to come back in the foreseeable future, or at all.

Therefore, I'll officially be taking my indefinite/permanent leave in the new year, and I'll hang around until the end of the Christmas break for the usual events and whatnot. I'll most likely be extremely inactive on Steam so contact me on Snapchat if you have it.

I'm going to miss a lot of aspects of this community nostalgically, and I thank you all for the memories here.

Merry Christmas!
i think ive seen you about but if not man good bye have a good time in the real world and if you can swing by for a bit even if its just a quick hello
farewell mango!!!! I've also been thinking of leaving perp lately, maybe I'll leave too very soon. I still remember when you were in my organization, I still have it by the way!!!!!!
Goodbye Mango, It's a little late reply but good luck in the future.
Good Times.

2.5 - Carbombed Mango even though he already dealt with him in a previous life with no valid reason, tried to find multiple excuses/lies to get out of the situation which didn't end up well for him. An AR was also accepted as he killed mango because "he was acting suspicious" when he clearly wasn't.
o7 soldier, Gave me money to buy a zonda only to come back and see me in a shelby and double upgraded CrX.