Server Suggestion Input buffering when starting car

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Input buffering when starting car
Suggestion Description: When starting a car you're locked out from holding W to start driving immediately when possible when turning on the engine, most likely due to the animation. I'm suggesting on changing this to allow for better response time because it doesn't feel great in my opinion. This used to be how it worked in the past.

Why should this be added?:
- Everyone benefits from this.
- Departing after starting your engine is generally just a lot smoother and less frustrating especially during heated moments.

What negatives could this have?:
- The current behaviour/system is intended and this doesn't need to be implemented (pls no)
- You can't change it because of some other system.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Currently you have to spam W after starting a car, being unsure when you're actually allowed to drive. There is a good 1-2 second delay after starting the engine, by having input buffering the car would allow you to move as soon as it allows you to after the engine is started.
Agreed. I understand maybe a delay of 1-2 seconds to make it realistic, but nothing beyond that.
While it is annoying, I reckon it makes sense. It slows down pursuits and prevents people from instantly starting an engine and driving off under gunpoint.
While it is annoying, I reckon it makes sense. It slows down pursuits and prevents people from instantly starting an engine and driving off under gunpoint.
It's just really annoying. If this is a problem then I suggest keeping the delay when you're able to drive a car but implement the buffering system.

Minges will still drive off tho lmao
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