Server Suggestion Interaction Wheel

Reaction score
Great Britain
Suggestion Title: Interaction Wheel
Suggestion Description: There's a million and one things you can do to or for a player, and they all require different things to be equipped or in hand, and different keys, and different states, such as being crouched, having fists out, etc. Also, the buddies menu sucks ass, period.
I propose an interaction wheel that, similar to the emote wheel, will allow people to share permissions and interact with their fellow perpers in a multitude of ways. It would need a new key to be bound to, so something suitable would need to be found, though I'm inclined towards the V key myself, as it could be bound by default that way (sorry stafferino, find a new noclip button xd)
The wheel would have vital player data in the centre, such as if they look injured, if they're bleeding, are they crippled, what their steam name is, and should they be unconscious, what their pulse is. This wheel would have only options dependant on what you can do to the person, so if they were bleeding, there would be an option to bandage them, or splint them maybe, or if they had their hands up, they could be searched (consent prompted ofc) or have car keys stolen from them (stolen car keys would only stay until the owner locks the car again, or perhaps after a certain time has elapsed.)
I'd also recommend having it so putting your hands up would only drop weapons in your hand, so that then the weapon could be found upon search, which would only be available in the interaction wheel when they have their hands up.
Have it so depending on what equipment/weapon is in your hands, different options appear on the wheel, such as not being able to search/take keys whilst holding a long gun, but being able to do it with a pistol, for example.

Why should this be added?:
- A lot less fucking about with buddies menu
- carjacking could become actually viable, as right now it's just awkward.
- you could search someone without needing zipcuffs, which honestly should only really be used for kidnapping, and would make mugging less aids
- "hey bro can I get keys rq" "yeah sure bro" *walks over and gives keys without needing to fuck about in buddy menu*
- get someone's steam name without needing to ask staff
- no more explaining to new players how to check pulses or search someone, or drag someone, or do other things hidden behind obscure conditions. It's all in the interaction menu, which they'll likely discover within about two minutes of joining the server.
- pat someone down whilst keeping a gun pointed at them, which would be nice tbh

What negatives could this have?:
- I'm too tired to think of anything major, besides maybe people spamming give and take keys on someone to produce annoying messages, but a cooldown would mitigate that. I'm sure there are more downsides, so I'd like to hear them.
- muh development time

Useful Images:
I like this idea of managing buddy permissions this way, but can you still see in F4 to whom you gave permissions?
I also like the idea of patching yourself up and check pulses when available.

Also be able to search someone when they surrender could be useful, but I can also see issues with this when someone surrenders by mistake at Bazaar.
Also be able to search someone when they surrender could be useful, but I can also see issues with this when someone surrenders by mistake at Bazaar.
Well the consent prompt would still be there, so if surrender didn't make you drop all equipped items anymore, then accidental surrenders would be less of an issue than before.
I don't recall what update this was exactly, but the buddies wheel was added a few months after this suggestion. This suggestion has other elements to it, but I'd say it's more or less completed, as permissions sharing was the majority of the point of the suggestion.

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