Invalid Mugging Refund Request

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United Kingdom
Your in-game name: Haruta Itou

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48551530

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was mugged at an invalid location by
King Brad/Brad Tengo (STEAM_0:0:63234532), that being the suburbs park near the entranceway. I was around the corner briefly, but he mugged me in daylight in the entranceway. I did loot the body in a public spot, and that was stupid, but it was mainly because I did not want Brad to mug me. I lost 9890$, a knife, a phone, 2 burgers and 3 coffee.


Tick: 61,300

Ash asked me to make this RR.
+Support on this because it was an invalid place to mug.

But, you wouldn't have lost much to be honest. I always have alot of stuff on me so if I get mugged, I'll lose 15 mags, 5 boxes of ammo, etc.
I would just like to add in a little point here.

You say you were mugged in daylight and you have to take in to account that although it is daytime but because of the clouds it looks like it is going to rain and it does look fairly dark. Now if this was IRL no one would be at a park during the day if it looks like it is going to absolutely piss down with rain, which it does. Now with that in mind and the fact that the whole park is walled off and it is a pretty dead area there is a possibility that the mugger could get away with it butt that is down to the admins discretion. I'm a little 50/50 on this so I'm going to stay neutral.
Refund request accepted,

Please use the /report function with a link to this request when in-game to retrieve your refund.
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