Is Escape from Tarkov any good

yeah you definitely want to play with a friend me and takeshi played that game for like 2 weeks straight. and burnt ourselves out never returned to the game since XD
Tarkov is really fun game theres alot of ways to play the game. You can grind tasks, just play or play the flea market which is the hardest but thre most effective. If you buy the game I have no problem helping you and teaching the ways to use the market to benefit from it and how to go in raids, what gear to take and helping you complete tasks. Right now I make around 80K USD daily by using just the flea market apart from doing raids. When you buy it hit me up on steam and I’ll help you.

The first week playing with you will get jump scared a lot just saying
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( I've witten this with 0 hours of sleep so I'll have shit jumbled up and written very badly lol )

Okay let me try to get in depth here a teeny tiny bit about Escape from Tarkov, and what is good and bad about it.

First of all, I'll have to tell you a bit about the editions. You see those people that pay around 100 Euros ( like I did, rip ) on the game, it's not really pay to win, maybe a bit due to the fact you get a bigger storage for each edition you buy. You get some more stuff that the other people don't get, aka standard editions don't get a ton of Tri-Zip backpacks for example, bla-bla.

Other than that, depending on how much you will play the game, buy something that suits your storage, cause that's all you really need in the game, a nice spacious storage for all your guns and all that.

Now for the stuff that I think is personally very nice about the game.

In the next update, which if we're lucky, will happen this month.. 0.12 will upgrade from a shitty Unity to a better version, as well as that there will be a ton more content brought into the game, new maps, a new Scav Boss ( which is pretty much a hard AI that'll randomly spawn in the map, there's two right now ) character creation, finally, and a whole lot more.

Other good things are a lot of variety of guns, attachments, armor, stuff like that. As well as there being a lot of tactical things. Take Arma's 100 leaning positions for example, you can do that, you kick in doors and all that.

Quests and leveling is also kind of a nice touch, but kind of tedious at the same time, some are incredibly hard and so damn annoying.

Bad things about the game right now are probably glitchers and cheaters, people that'll go invisible mode and eat all your bullets cause they're standing in a certain place.. some hitboxes are pure garbage, and some guns shoot nerf darts.

But the BIGGEST issue in this game has to be the incredible amount of stutters, no matter how much of a good PC you have, you WILL experience stutters from time to time, the worse your PC, the more stutters you get, but don't worry about it they said they'll " get rid of most of the stutters in the next update ".

Other than that, if you like a game you can put a lot of time into, then yes, it's a very fun game, especially with a ton of friends you'll get addicted to it in no time, I played nothing but Tarkov for such a long ass time.

I'm level 43 right now so if you want to know some stuff or if you'll ever get it, I'll play it with you.
Meh its kinda boring and was very fucking confusing when I played it, +low fps.
After practicing with bots for a couple of days I got into a real game, but I needed a map to know where to exit, but it didn't tell me where to buy it what to do how to do, I ended up walking for like 30 mins till the time expired while having like 25 fps, even tho it was probably just my setup that suffered the fps problem it was still really annoying.
Oh and not to mention if you get shot in the legs (and the bots aim for the legs like all the time for some reason??) you can't run for the rest of the game, and it is so fucking painful, I wouldn't recommend tbh I too thought it looked really fun and wanted it but after a firned let me play on his account I started disliking it.
Where are you buying it from? I don't have it but heard it a good game, was looking at buying it but got insurgency instead as it was cheaper.

Use this and make a .bat file this guy says it boosts fps by 30%. I’ll give you my settings later when im home.