Is it 1.2 to say the N word out of rp down your mic?

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Does it constitute as rule breaking discriminatory language if you say the N word down your mic on the server but not in roleplay? Like you’re talking out of character in character and just spamming racial slurs down ur mic?
It should be technically but people will just be like "bUt Im SaYiNg It InChArAcTeR" anyway so ya
Tbh when I see people running round shouting the N word constantly, it just singles them out as prospective targets to mug or raid later on :)
Why is this even a question? If you want to say the word
in game, then you say it in game. There’s far too much censorship from people like @SpaceShots and @nutrient10 who will ban you for it because they can. It’s retarded, the community is far beyond being a safe space for kids when there’s literally disabled people being doxed and pedophiles who were openly allowed to stay in the community without anything being done by senior administration.

@Husky @Adrish
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i got shoutbox banned for saying nigga without a warning, FUCK you bolli

wait, do those mods ban you for saying it IN GAME or?
It's a typical case of being offended on someone else's behalf.

How many black perp players have actually complained about the word? As compared to white perp players being offended by it on behalf of the black community.

We've got more gays, Jews and forgive me for uttering this word
in this community.

If you're gonna ban the N word. Ban every over swear word too and make it a Christian roleplay server.
It's the internet.
Excessive use or spam of the word should be discouraged as with all constant swearing but the use of it in passing really has little effect.
@Racxes you are being converted

Please do not resist
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