Jakey Finn

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Xx480QuickscoperxX / Jakey Finn
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35010040
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Went to regals to find my asian woman and he killed Fredy right on front of me (apparently for no/invalid reason) then tried to kill me (2.5?). There were at least 6 people inside regals so countless of witnesses.

Evidence (Demo Required): youtube
Tick: N/A
Well, have you checked if he was the owner of the apartment and thought you guys were raiding? And even then, just because you see a guy with an AK on his back in front of your apartment, you can't just open fire, he should've told both of you to get on the ground. I'll just wait for his reply before stating my position.

Just as a note:
This person is a member of the B.U.G Mafia, he was perhaps attempting to assassinate Fredy Newman? Although outright shooting him in a somewhat public setting where people are around and in neighboring apartments results in a few rulebreaks. It is down to staff to make a decision.
Really confused here, I think we need jakey's response. If he thought they were raiders why wait so long before shooting Fredy?
@Klaus Iohannis

I do believe this is you however I cannot completely be sure. You created the organization page for the B.U.G Mafia and the leader of this was Jakey Finn. If this is not you, please tell us the forum name of him or tag him specifically.
Right, before this little rule break situation happened we took the guy out to the farm where we mugged and killed Jake Finn (As he mugged @EVIL) As I returned to regal where our base were located the guy came up the stairs and killed me for no reason (according to NLR). So is pretty obviously that the person did not consider 3.5 as he did not acted like a different person.

@MrAaron can confirm that he was killed at the farm

In the admin sit with MrAaron, Jake Finn also said something like:
If you hunt us down, I'll hunt you down
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He also shot me for no reason while being a cop, then got revived and pointed him my gun. He broke fearRP, got to the storage man and got his shotgun out. He was killed then. (Cant find the demo forget it)
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This guy is a fucking mong, he was on earlier being a total minge, shouting that he was getting an admin and that a police officer couldn't arrest him until an admin arrived, perma ban this minge he doesn't know how to roleplay at all, he is just playing for the action.

Killed me yesterday infront of PD and NPC which is a total breakage of 3.4 which he obviously didn't learn the rules.
And in this video, 3.4 was also broken on his part.
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+Support as he broke 3.4 by risking his life because they can report to the police or even get killed , and he RDMed agent green and was about to RDM Slayerduck

User will receive a 1 week ban, he's just come back from 2 recent bans and has had multiple warnings over the past few weeks.
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