Server Suggestion Jennifer’s smash and grab mission.

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Description of the idea:
Adding a Jennifer’s smash and grab raid mission.

To put it simply, how this will work:
- You obtain the quest from the Drug Dealer.
- You get your friends to text the number. The minimum amount you can Have is none (you can do this alone unlike the bank) and the maximum amount you can have assisting you is 5 people.
- You get given the location on which Jennifer’s store you’re going to be robbing, and go to it.
- You then gunpoint the NPC, making sure everyone involved is inside the shop when you do so. You tell them to shut off the alarms inside. 1 minute afterwards, police will be notified of the robbery.
- You grab the jewels.
-5 minutes after initiating the robbery, you will be texted a location to go and meet the NPC who will buy them off of you.
- 5 minutes after selling the jewels, Each user will receive a cut of cash.

The amount of cash given will depend on the following factors:
The amount of users who partook in the robbery
The amount of officers online at the time.
The amount of jewels stolen.

The minimum amount of cash you can gain from this robbery is 2.5K.
The maximum you can gain from the robbery is 20K (if all jewels are taken, and had 2 people in total robbing it against 12+ cops).

It will be possible to leave the store before police are notified.

A warrant will be set on everyone involved who is still alive if a police officer interacts with the NPC inside in under 15 minutes after the robbery.

The robbery will fail if the robbers take more than 15 minutes collecting the jewels.

There will be a 15 minute total cool down, and a 20 minute personal cool down between how often the robberies can be done. This means that if someone starts a robbery, they cannot redo a robbery for 20 minutes, and due to them starting the robbery, no one else will be able to start a robbery for 15 minutes.

Maybe a rule for this could be added about the possibility of taking hostages. I personally don’t think it shouldn’t be allowed, however, I understand why people would believe otherwise.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- More to do
- Fun
- Most the code could be ripped from the existing bank robbery with minimal effort.
- People have been wanting shit like this for years.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- mOrE sHoOtOuT lEsS rP​

This is potentially planned with future criminal missions in the mission system

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