Server Suggestion Job leaderboard xp view

Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Job leaderboard xp view
Suggestion Description: Show the amount of XP a person has for the top players of EMS and FD
Paramedic supervisor and above for EMS.
Watch manager and above for FD.

Why should this be added?:
-I think it adds more competitiveness to the top players.
-Better overview of how much work you have done.
-Maybe even motivate newer players to climb the list

What negatives could this have?:
-Could be hard to implement and keep updated.
-As it may motivate players it could also demotivate players after seeing how much they have to do to become the top player of their job.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: I don't think it would solve a problem necessarily, but it just adds a better overview and might motivate people to keep playing the job.

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