Server Suggestion Make killing cops give org xp/leaderboard xp

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the chipmunk factory
Suggestion Title: Make killing cops give org xp/leaderboard xp
Suggestion Description: I'm confused why killing cops doesnt give org xp when it should. It is really unfair that you can wipe pd but if you die once your overall org xp from that situation is at a loss. Even if its only a small bit or you only get org xp for killing TFU I think it is better then nothing.
I thought killing cops gave org xp but doge told me otherwise:
Why should this be added?:
- Makes the leaderboard more accurate
- Gives a reward for wiping PD

What negatives could this have?:
- None

What problem would this suggestion solve?: If an org is wiping PD on the daily there is a chance it will never be on the leaderboard when it should be.
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I think this was suggested and denied at some point

NVM i'm dumb it was another thing similar to this but different

Honestly sure if you can wipe PD which is easy to do anyway you should get some kind of XP for it. Maybe make it a min of 5 cops on duty for it to matter or something
Honestly sure if you can wipe PD which is easy to do anyway you should get some kind of XP for it. Maybe make it a min of 5 cops on duty for it to matter or something

The most insane Eric Jonson take I’ve seen yet. Wiping PD is not easy for 90% of the player base.

This is a nuanced matter so I’ll explain:

Killing a cop unjustly can lead to a ban easily for sure, but killing justly (in accordance with rules) should be rewarded; even if it’s just 1 cop on. That 1 cop can be anybody.

I have anecdotal evidence, I have shotgun cop wiped multiple orgs with snipers and automatics by myself in a bank robbery or raids. That is excluding the times as TFU which would add to the times I pulled off a win in these unfair circumstances. Fighting like 4-6 at a time. I’m not trying to flex but I’m making the point that a single cop can make a big difference.

As a criminal, you have no armor and you risk a lot more. Cops risk nothing and have armor. I was saved by my armor in the aforementioned unfair fights many times. So killing even 1 cop justly, let alone wiping PD at max cop count should be rewarded.

Obviously the reward multiplier sorts itself. You get XP for every kill so 1 cop ain’t all that compared to wiping the whole force at max cop count.
Literally agree with the suggestion and yall jump down my throat still lol. I've been on the receiving end of so many PD wipes and given quite a few when I have raided with my org.
wiping pd is less difficult when there are less cops and especially when your only time on crim is being in a Zerg. But killing a cop, let alone wiping PD, is not “easy” nonetheless. If you actually intake my argument entirely now instead of being flippant while refusing to read my reasoning or evidence, then you have the right to honestly respond.

You and me are on different timezones so you won't run into me that much thankfully. Yall are ridiculous one comment and you gotta white night each other.
I say Timezones hurt your point more than help it.

Less cops during US time zone = less difficulty wiping PD with a Zerg
No, cops are meant to be a negative thing you should avoid killing

I made the suggestion to get rid of XP Loss when dying to a cop, but I think they should bring it back
I've been on the receiving end of so many PD wipes and given quite a few when I have raided with my org. You and me are on different timezones so you won't run into me that much thankfully.
i play all time zoon and i never sow u playing as pd

But my point is everyone can say its easy while its not and they dont not even play crim
No, cops are meant to be a negative thing you should avoid killing

killing your rival give u xp but killing cops dose not ?

the real rival is cops then the other orgs so i think killing cops should give xp 2
This is intentional to discourage people from killing cops for petty reasons and to encourage roleplaying. It's an RP server at the end of the day, not team deathmatch.
This is intentional to discourage people from killing cops for petty reasons and to encourage roleplaying. It's an RP server at the end of the day, not team deathmatch.
I get that but having there be no reward for wiping pd with there 8 TFU on with 2000000% armour is absurd. Also, there aren't many "petty reasons" to kill cops because if your friend is ten toes chances are I'm going to kill the cop whether I get xp or not. Even if you only got org xp for killing TFU it is better than nothing.
There should be no incentive to killing cops outside of your own survival and freedom. Bearing in mind that around half of the situations that players will attack cops over are determined to be rulebreaks on the attackers part, incentivising the act alone is stupid and would make it seem like a more beneficial option.

Killing cops within the bank robbery zone on the first 15 minutes of a bank robbery are the only scoreboard viable acts of killing cops imho. Defending your base would be too easy as you’re just mouse 1 gaming.

I get that but having there be no reward for wiping pd with there 8 TFU on with 2000000% armour is absurd.
Your life and freedom mate, the very thing the rules claim you must consider the most valuable possession you have, is awarded upon wiping PD for a valid RP reason.

Most players don’t want you to wipe out the whole police force contrary to popular belief because they want cops to be able to resolve their petty crime and shit.
Bearing in mind that around half of the situations that players will attack cops over are determined to be rulebreak
"around half" i dont think that is true thing other way most of server will be baned

also when cops kill crim they get rewards (hes gun / boby / if he have anything iligel on him) dose that mean more than the half shootout that cops start its not allowed and breaking rules on it ?
i play all time zoon and i never sow u playing as pd

But my point is everyone can say its easy while its not and they dont not even play crim

killing your rival give u xp but killing cops dose not ?

the real rival is cops then the other orgs so i think killing cops should give xp 2
You should be afraid to kill the police, realism!

I wouldn't mind if organisation experience was given after killing an Officer, however leaderboard xp shouldn't be granted as it'd just lead to organisations attempting to kill cops whether it benefits them in character or not

Please, when posting new idea suggestions, make an effort to think about what negatives they could have if implemented.

Killing Police isn't something to be encouraged by giving XP, the reward should mostly be getting away, free.
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