Joe's Refund Request

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Your in-game name: Joe Hunt.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88574393

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: So i got mugged infront of dd yesterday, Got a few reasons for getting my thing back, first of all i try to take my Gun up, but the character used fist instead. and if i had pulled my weapon he would not be able to mug me, only kill me,.
Second reason. when he Gun Pointed me, i did go back a few steps because i was afraid getting shot, the he sprints to my position. and i pulled my gun up, there i got killed fine for me, (when sprinting you cant point anywhere whit your gun.)

So after my own meaning i dont break gunpoint, But maby im wrong,


Tick: Maked a youtube video,
Well IRL you can run and point your gun at the same time and even shoot, specially when up close like i was.
Its perfectly fine to mug infront of the DD, as long as he is taken into consideration. He won't be reporting any crimes committed infront of him to the police anytime soon. All I can see here is you pulling up a gun when under gunpoint. Not sure if you were punished for that or not @AyJay. I feel like you got lucky with being allowed to redo the sit tbh, and I don't think you should get the items back.
Refund request denied.

As I said in the situation, it was allowed for him to mug in this situation - You're not going to be refunded for anything due to the fact that his gun was pointed at you throughout the entirety of the situation and at no point did you have your gun in attack stance pointed towards him. Even if you meant to pull it out or not, it does not matter. He had a gun in attack stance first, and you therefore broke 3.4 which you were given a warning for.

As for the warning, I've talked to @MrAaron about it and he agrees that it was valid.

(Also, moved to correct section)
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