John Davids Introduction

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Hello everyone!

Some of you may know me, probably as John Davids: usual police officer and the newly appointed Deputy Chief of Department.
Some of you don't know me and that is something I'm looking to remedy, starting with this post.

Since I started playing on the server 2 years ago, I have largely lurked on the forums, discord but as I have taken on a large amount of responsibility in overseeing the police department I have decided to engage more actively in the community and especially the forums. As I had started out, I mostly played as a medic and firefighter along with a few attempts as a criminal although I never really got into it (maybe I'll try again who knows). Eventually I have ended up progressing in the PLPD: becoming a Sergeant, continuing on and joining Traffic Command, then recently being promoted to DCoD.

Due to my focus on the PD and inactivity on the forums, I am aware that I haven't really interacted with the whole community and, as I am now running an important part of it, it is high time that I change this.

Thank you for reading this short introduction, please feel free to reach out to me if there is anything you want to discuss.
- John Davids/AwesomeGamersHQ
Hello AwesomeGamersHQ,

Great name btw! I have not had the chance to interact with you either in game and outside but I am looking forward to find you in game!

Now that your name is publicly out, we can share some of your highlights within the community! I will go first:

You also target players in the community, which I think is really bad

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Hello AwesomeGamersHQ,

Great name btw! I have not had the chance to interact with you either in game and outside but I am looking forward to find you in game!

Now that your name is publicly out, we can share some of your highlights within the community! I will go first:

You also target players in the community, which I think is really bad

I stand by that discord message.
good on ya for recognising that ur reach in the community could do with some work solid lad