Johnny Won-ton Introduction

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Hi there. It's me Phantom aka Johnny Won-Ton this is my first time making introduction post about myself.
I have been playing perpheads for a while since 2017 some people might know me.
I live in Thailand and I'm 21 yo.
I start played this server with @peemnaja year ago and decide to quit perpheads 3 months ago because got zerged and being sweater is too hard for me.
Now I'm back to fuck yall and 16 hours daily powergrowing.

I would like to thanks these people for helping me alot since I was a sweater.
@Aquaa and @Daigestive for letting me in his Teamspeak 3 room and helping me make connection with alot of people.
@gLaCiAl @Legion of Darkness and @Jamal for teach me alot of thing to do baseing.
@JER and @thehomelessdude for trusting me and invite me to fuck around with their org.
@Dom_ and @doge for Buying me alot of stuff that I crafted and bring shootout and raid for me.
@Collier stop punching me.
@peemnaja my nibba you are the best.
@Yaseen best mate when I was sweater.
@FatGeorge I practiced my nade don't run into it
@MrWoLfX Please someone make this guy shut up
@Kenty you are best to fuck around with. and I dare you backstab me one more time.
@Weazel you are the mostly annoying ppl in the server but laugh always good for all ppl.
@Super_ everytimes you gave me 10k ticket imma bet on your casino and when you not online I can save alot of money.
@ShadowJoey Let me spray TFU Van then kill me.
@Jasperkel You are racist drug babysitter thanks for my harvest drug when I am in trouble.

ps.I will add everyone that I wanna thank them i didnt tag alot of them

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My man, glad you met our group in my channel :)

One tfu down btw
Tfu sniper regals
I did the backstabbing thing as a sting operation :(

Anyways, stop powergrowing and try hard PD now!
Hold up.... something isn’t right here.

You claimed that you know @peemnaja IRL and you did provide some stuff that made you credible which brings me to my first Contention.

I live in Thailand and I'm 21 yo.
You claim that you’re 21 years old and live in Thailand, whilst obviously knowing peemnaja IRL and you said that he is 15-16. Is there something you would like to tell us, Mr Won-Ton?

This dude has a channel and thinks he owns the place, the take over is happening.