Jon's singing club

Reaction score

Who are we?

We are highly talented people, both at preforming and singing. You can order us to your party and we will have an amazing show.

How do I join?

You have to speak to our agent to arrenge a meeting. If you get one you will have to preform something for Jon Godinn and he will decide if you are worth it. Jon Godinn might also contact you if he belives you are good.

But I want to be a criminal too :(

No problem! There is no need to leave your org, you only have to be ready to preform for few minutes at party's and attent to very few meetings.


Mr. Godinn - The official CEO of the buissness, he controls everything.

Agent - If Mr.Gorden is not avalible, the Agent is in charge. They are truely talented. At least Agent or higher must be if a Event is hosted.

Singer - he sings and preforms in partys among every one else. They are amazingly talanted.

Security - Keep the rapers/perverts away from our staff members.

Member list

Mr.Gorden: Jon Godinn

Agent(s); Chris Duddles , John daymon

Singer(s); , Adbi, Hung Chow.

Dancer: Jian.

Security: Feng

How to order our amazing service?

Simply call anyone/agents in the org and we will see what we can work out.

Where are we?

We often host a concert / party at the reataurant in Paralake City, near the hospital or in Godinn's Café located in bazaar.

How much for a show?

To see a concert or join a party - 3.500$

Small - 7.000$

Medium - 10.000$

Large - 15.000$

XLarge - 17.000$

XXLarge - 20.000$

Bigger=better, more you pay more time you get (if wanted), guests will get a suprise in Large+

Official Q&A

Q: How do I join?
A: It's pretty simple, all you have to do is be born without a brain. Just like Jon!
I am looking forward to seeing a show, do you have a specific place you perform or do you come to us?

We now host concerts and partys!

: D
Great news for all of the fans around the world! Jon will be having a wourld tour!

He will start next weekend at bazaar. Jon will be performing, famous guests will come and free booze for everyone!

JFC (Jons fan club) Will also provide you a hotel room if you need to travel or are going to be lucky that night.


Disclaimer: only 18yr old+