* Just a normal day on PERPheads *

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I'm gonna collect some videos in this thread.
Fun and weird stuff happends, sometimes. :kappa:





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I was there when Juan said "Alright... Um... Madam" and I was wondering what the hell he was talking about.
I was also like "Must be Angelina"

You're one special snowflake @Thomas DeSimone
1:54 @Sdac2
Yes it was, you should probably have stayed if you wanted to kill a group of raiders you fatty.

Also, stop calling me JAKIER. It's Rami now.
Is anyone else seeing this common occurrence which is old Jeffers being killed in numerous ways :kitty:

Also if you are wondering who owned that Pink Mini with Gold trim which mugged off all the cops at 0:52, it's ya boy Jeffers.

And I'm the one Kitty shot by 'accident' on the motorway when she says she got the wrong one.

Bruh people just hate on Geeza.

Getting my new mic tommorow so you'll be able to hear my beautiful voice more clearer in the next ones xoxo
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Was in Video 2 and 3.

Video two I was responding to the woman running out of fuel should have given they Keys to Chris.

Video 3 as it turns out the RC I was escorting was Donney Doman who had issues towing the SUV, Took 2 Cruisers to push him up.
So no one actually cares about the meta throughout the video? k den, but kitty all these videos are very entertaining
So no one actually cares about the meta throughout the video? k den, but kitty all these videos are very entertaining

Okey here we go. When you're a dispatcher it helps alot to be on teamspeak with other didpatchers, especially cause I cant use my mic in game when i'm sitting down in the dispatcher room. When you're more than one you have to communicate. So yes I was on TS. I don't metagame, it dosen't interest me.

But sure i've been on teamspeak when i've been on the server but it does not counts as meta as it dosent bennefit me in any way and i don't use ooc info ic.

But if you feel that I broke rules feel free to use the video as evidence in your AR. Walker provided you the link to the template. / phone

Edit. Did not know you meant the part I almost got ran over. Let me explain that situation aswell; Me, @Jordan and @Imperial Watch did a "video" about the illuminati thing, we were in ts to ask people about the last scene that are shown in the video. 5 staffmembers were in the channel and i unmuted to get info if we could do it or not. Feel free to ask them about my so called "metagaming".
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So no one actually cares about the meta throughout the video? k den, but kitty all these videos are very entertaining
+ Support clearly meta gaming in police dispatch room; the constabulary is corrupt we got to fight back boys. :kitty:

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