Kevko's Custom Images Guide

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Berlin, Germany
Kevko's Custom Images Guide

In this Guide, I will tell you everything you need to know to make a custom sign.

What you need
  • a design software like Photoshop, GIMP,, etc. (or you get someone to make you a design)
  • a design in the right resolution
  • an Image Prop to put your custom image in

What Image prop uses what resolution
Flag (2:1)1024 x 512
Flag (3:2)1024 x 683
Hanging Sign1024 x 512
Illuminated Sign1024 x 512
Image Frame1024 x 512
Small Image Frame1024 x 683
Small Standing Image Frame1024 x 683
Standing Illuminated Sign512 x 1024
Tall Standing Illuminated Sign410 x 1024
Wooden Sign512 x 1024
Triple Sign (unlocked at org level 20)3072 x 512

How to start
First of all, read Server Rule 2.10 Advertisements and images

The /advert function, rentable billboards and image frames are expected to adhere to certain standards. Adverts are to be formatted realistically, akin to ads found in newspapers or news headlines. Use them for advertising businesses, broadcasting news or buying/selling items or services.

Images and billboards must be used realistically and display content that would realistically be shown on a sign, poster or billboard. Here is a list of guidelines for images and billboards, including but not limited to the following:
  • No inappropriate content, or content that violates basic conduct rules
  • No sexually suggestive content
  • No low effort images
  • No unedited in-game screenshots that contain HUDs/Names/etc.
  • No distorted, overly cropped or zoomed images
What is considered to be an acceptable image/advert is subject to staff discretion. Additionally, players may not use other players’ images without permission. When taking inspiration from another player’s concept, players are expected to create their own images to suit their needs.

We are doing a simple 2:1 Image Frame design as an example:
  • open your design software and start a new file
  • Change width to 1024 and height to 512
  • now comes the hardest part, be creative and do your design!
  • when you are done, save your work as a PNG
  • now go to and create an account
  • once you create your account, click on your Avatar on the top right and click on 'Images'
  • click on the [+] New Post button on the right
  • choose your PNG file and upload it
  • right click on the image and click on 'Open graphic in new tab'
  • go to the new tab and save the URL (it must be the i.imgur URL)
  • head in-game and spawn the Image Frame
  • click on 'Create New' on the top left of your screen
  • Choose a name for that Image
  • Paste the URL
  • DONE
  • Wait for approval

What do the dots under my picture mean?
  • Orange Dot: waiting for approval
  • Green Dot: Image Approved
  • Red Dot: Image Declined

How long does it take to approve my image?

It can take seconds, but it can also take hours.
Only Senior Moderators and above can approve images.

My Image got declined, what now?
Read Server Rule 2.10!

Can I steal other people's designs?
No! Me and all the other designers put work in the designs and we absolutely hate to see someone stealing our work!
You may also get forced to delete the Image and even get punished.

Can I make my own version of a casino table?
Yes, as long as it is not too similar to the original one.

What does "Unlocked" and "Locked" mean when you select a picture In-Game?
If your picture is unlocked, you can normally change your picture when you press 'E' on your Image Frame.
If your picture is locked, you need to press 'shift + E' to change the picture.
This is mostly used in Casinos, so you don't accidentally change your money when someone drops money on your Image Frame.

If you have more questions, ask here or contact me.