- Staff
- #1

Hello everyone,
A few rule changes have gone live since the beginning of this month that had not been announced yet. Read about them below.
General Rules
- Raid
Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside.
- 1.3 Slander
Slander will not be tolerated within this community; the only time where accusations can be made against other members of the community are withinthe Action Requests forum, and when speaking to an appropriate member of staff - when making an accusation against a member of staff, a higher ranking staff member should be spoken to.the in-game report menu, the Action Requests and Staff Complaints forums on the website or when speaking to a member of staff.
- 2.10 Advertisements and images
The /advert function, rentable billboards and image frames are expected to adhere to certain standards. Adverts are to be formatted realistically, akin to ads found in newspapers or news headlines. Use them for advertising businesses, broadcasting news or buying/selling items or services.
Images and billboards must be used realistically and display content that would feasibly be shown on a sign, poster or billboard. Here is a list of guidelines for images and billboards, including but not limited to the following:
- No inappropriate content, or content that violates basic conduct rules
- No sexually suggestive content
- No low effort images
- No unedited in-game screenshots that contain HUDs/Names/etc.
- No distorted, overly cropped or zoomed images
What is considered to be an acceptable image/advert is subject to staff discretion. Additionally, players may not use other players’ images without permission. When taking inspiration from another player’s concept, players are expected to create their own images to suit their needs.
- 3.12 Mayoral Assassination
The mayor may only be assassinated if it sufficiently benefits the players involved or if the mayor has negatively affected the players in a severe personal way. Where possible, players should attempt to directly convince the Mayor to improve city management or change their tax policies before attempting an assassination.
Please note that any assassination of the mayor is very likely to be looked-into in depth and treated more strictly, meaning that players must have good reason for such actions.
Examples of reasons to justifiably assassinate the mayor include, but are not limited to:
- Failing to adhere to promises regarding city management & tax policy
- Discriminatory conduct towards diverse groups of people
- Any instance in which it would be justifiable to kill another player according to rule 2.5
General mismanagement of city affairs such as draining city funds or failing to fund emergency vehicles- Implementing a combination of detrimental policies that directly harm players' interests
- 3.16 Idle
Players who go idle for a prolonged amount of time on the server may be automatically kicked at higher player counts. Players are prohibited from going idle duringaroleplay or administrative situations, however if they have a reasonable explanation they may go idle provided they inform players involved via LOOC and submit a report to inform an admin they have gone idle.
- 3.23 Placing Drugs
Players may not place drugs in areas that are not accessible without jumping or crouching, unless they are transporting the drugs in a timely manner. In addition, drugs may also not be placed within any public building or in Bazaar/Business shops.
Base Building
- 3.7 Properties
When props are used to block entrances to a property, at least 2 entrances totheany main area ofthea property must be left unobstructed. The main area of a property is defined astheany area within the property wherethe majority ofa significant portion of occupants reside and main functions of the property are carried out. A path is considered obstructed when a player has to either jump or crouch to travel along the path.
In addition to the above, changes have been made to the construction booklet to expand on constructions for properties wherein the above applies as well as one-way visibility constructions. A new paragraph has been added for the large houses in the suburbs and new images have been added for the one-way bookcase defence.
As always, feel free to discuss these changes in this thread and ask any questions regarding anything that might be unclear.