Kingsville Kings [KVK]
We are a organisation in the city of Paralake looking to become big and wealthy.
We try not to make enemies but to make alliances with fellow organisations.
But if we have to , We'll fight.
We are no ordinary organisation , we are Kingsville.
Our Aims
Our aims are the following , to become one of the most recognisable organisations out there.
To become a strong organisation , with good communication etc.
To become a wealthy organisation with expensive weaponry and vehicles
What we do
One of kings aims are to become a wealth organisation. And thats one of the things what we do.
But another is to provide protection to other organisation with a price.
Our Guidelines
1. Each member Must wear the attire .
2. Members must Never bring attention to the base which the organisation is currently living in.
3. Members must Always have the following on them while in the base
3 or more bandages
SMG or better weapons in the base only! NO pistols
3 or more magazines for your weapon.
4. Do NOT steal any valuable items from your fellow members
5. Listen to higer ranking members than you.
6. Do NOT let anyone thats not in the organisation into the base
7. You Must have a organisation panic button
8. Life alerts are not needed.
Kings Attire
Kings Attire is
A Dark Blue tracksuit
with 3 white lines on the bottoms and on the top.
Application Status
The applications are OPEN
Please apply in the application section.
Members Board
Leader Of Kingsville
Caine Coast ( @Cruse )
Co - Leader
Head Of Recruitment
Trusted Members
Aaron Doman ( @MrAaron )
Senior Soldier(s)
Trial Member
Head Of Defences
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