Hey friends, Left4Dead2 is currently for free till Monday 10AM Pacific and can be bought for 1.63 Euros (1/3rd of a döner kebab!!!) while it is free.
Perfect timing as I just recently finished the L4D with my friends. We could do Versus 4v4 and would be easy to get the required amount of people.
I recommend choosing some mods for your entertainment. Here are some in no particular order.
Perfect timing as I just recently finished the L4D with my friends. We could do Versus 4v4 and would be easy to get the required amount of people.
I recommend choosing some mods for your entertainment. Here are some in no particular order.
Steam Workshop::Francis gaming
Steam Workshop::Fall Guys as Common Infected
Steam Workshop::[xdR] Hunter Beatdown Animation (Insane Version) - Mixamo
Steam Workshop::[xdR] Cursed tank anims
Steam Workshop::AUUGHH (Horde Alert)

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