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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Name: Samuel smitherson

Playtime: 3 months

Firearms Level(Gotta be 25+): 75

Marksmanship(Fx, Pistol Marksmanship: 50, Rifle Marksmanship: 30. etc): all like half way

Which car do you have(If you have any?): a good bmw car

How would you be usefull for us?: i am a good man

Additional Information(Optional):
A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
and he said to the man running the stand
Hey. got any grapes?

The man said no we just sell lemonade. It’s cold and its fresh and it’s all home made. Can I sell you glass? The duck said “I’ll pass”.
Then he waddled away. Till the very next day.

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man that was running the stand
Hey. You got any grapes?

The man said no, like I said yesterday, we just sell lemonade okay?
Why not give it a try? The duck said Goodbye.
Then he waddled away. He waddled away. He waddled away
Till the very next day.

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man that was running the stand
Hey. You got any grapes?

The man said look, this is getting old. Lemonade’s all we’ve ever sold. Why not give it a go? The duck said “No.”
Then he waddled away. He waddled away. He waddled away
Till the very next day.

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man that was running the stand
Hey. You got any grapes?

The man said THAT’S IT!! If you don’t stay away,duck, I’ll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day, stuck.
So don’t get to close! The duck said Adios.
Then he waddled away. He waddled away. He waddled away
Till the very next day.

When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man that was running the stand
Hey. You got any glue?


You got any glue?
No, why would I– Oh!

Then one more question for you:
Got any grapes?

And the man just stopped. Then he started to smile. Then he started to laugh. He laughed for a while.
Then he said, “Come on duck, let’s walk to the store. I’ll buy you some grapes so you won’t have to ask anymore.”

So they walked to the store and the man bought some grapes. He offered one to the duck and the duck said “No thanks”.

“But you know what sounds good? It would make my day.
Do you think this store, do you think this store, do you think this store… has any… lemonade?”

Then he waddled away. He waddled away. He waddled away.
Reaction score
Can somebody remove this post, it's been requested by the org leader.
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