My name is Jack Noah (In-game). One day I was so bored I didn't know what to do. Then I saw Jjjackier playing a game called Gmod which looked pretty cool. So I started to play on a server called Smurfrp which was a darkrp server. It was really fun but It was not realistic but then I found a server called Perpheads and It took ages to download everything. When I came in the server, it looked cool. I read the rules and I wanted to get money to get my car (My first car was the Escalade) . I grew drugs sometime or I became a cop. I had much fun with the raids when you were a cop. I became in love with the server! And one time I got VIP when I was in jail somehow. It was a faster way to get money when you were VIP. Thee first org I was in was called Falcon's rule and It lasted weeks until the owner got inactive. So Charles made a org called the Nordic growing crew but the name was too lame. He changed it to: The Chosen Few. I have always been a trusted person in the org. (I hope xD) I hope I see you INGAME!