Time for an updated thread of previous one's we had
(I recommend watching all cinematics/spotlights of champions, they're dank)
Want to play? Contact me on the EUW server, Vocazin. We mostly play Normal Draft (I DON'T LIKE RANKED @Jeffer Cake)
We also have a cool kids club
List of known players with my best descriptions possible
Vocazin @Creepis - Boncuk Anivia main
@JarredInator - Caitlyn beast
BitShadow @DarkShadow - Always blames the jungler when he's top
BladeWarranty @Jeffer Cake - Best Rengo UK
LegendarySan @Sanuhl - Bronze V
thealex 3991 @WolfyLuxion - The "Boosted Animal" Caitlyn/Katarina main
Standoosh @Standish - My main Nasus and vinegar man
3bitzeret @ArnoldGerkin - Kiain <3
Drawager @John Daymon - Mad life support
@jjjackier - Played and quit @lvl1
LilJones @Venomine - African feeder^
Blicky1337 @Blicky - Newbie Kha'ZixMain Vain
Drafaxo @Niko - Only plays when URF is there^
@Youseff - Madlife v2
@MoronPipllyd -
We also have some spicy memes
We might also do Ultimate Bronze Bravery, who knows
shell support main hype
Want to play? Contact me on the EUW server, Vocazin. We mostly play Normal Draft (I DON'T LIKE RANKED @Jeffer Cake)
We also have a cool kids club

List of known players with my best descriptions possible
Vocazin @Creepis - Boncuk Anivia main
@JarredInator - Caitlyn beast
BitShadow @DarkShadow - Always blames the jungler when he's top
BladeWarranty @Jeffer Cake - Best Rengo UK
LegendarySan @Sanuhl - Bronze V
thealex 3991 @WolfyLuxion - The "Boosted Animal" Caitlyn/Katarina main
Standoosh @Standish - My main Nasus and vinegar man
3bitzeret @ArnoldGerkin - Kiain <3
Drawager @John Daymon - Mad life support
@jjjackier - Played and quit @lvl1
LilJones @Venomine - African feeder^
Blicky1337 @Blicky - Newbie Kha'Zix
Drafaxo @Niko - Only plays when URF is there^
@Youseff - Madlife v2
@MoronPipllyd -

We also have some spicy memes

We might also do Ultimate Bronze Bravery, who knows

shell support main hype

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