Lebron Lee + Luke Froch + Charlie Scott breaks 3.4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lebron Lee + Luke Froch + Charlie Scott
His/Her SteamID: I've had an problem to find the steam id I'm hoping it isn't big problem
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
These people clearly broke 3.4 many times, in this plays.tv video you can see 2 situatuins, we were trying to mug these people 2 times, and they broke rules a lot of times.
1. from 0:00 to 0:07 Lebron Lee don't wanted to drop his weapon "Drop the weapon x20" = "NO!" and he tried to pull it out.
2. at 0:25 Lebron Lee is talking bullshit about the rules, he said we can't mug him 2 times in row within 60 mins delay, he's refusing to drop his items because we're breaking rules "Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; " 2 isn't > than 3, so I don't think he were right.. anyway he should follow rp instead of moving to OOC
3. at 0:35 Luke Froch don't want to give his items to me, he was under gunpoint, and I did /me take all items but he don't give a fuck about it.
4. at 0:50 my friend told Charlie Scott to don't do anything stupid, then he were running around the apartament, opening and closing doors, and he locked himself inside bathroom and propably called cops. Mayby at the moment when he entered the bathroom we weren't gunpointing at him, but he closed himself in really small room behind weak wooden door, we had mp5 and remington, so we were able to shoot him down by the door, would he risk that much IRL?
5. at 1:55 Luke Froch don't wanted to drop his items ofc while still being under gunpoint..
So summary, if they would follow the rules, we wouldn't lose anything, we lost hk40, remington short and mp5a4

Evidence (Demo Required):
https://plays.tv/video/5b1c1aa21113186680/many-of-ppl-breaks-3-4 <-- main evidence
https://prnt.sc/jt0guv https://prnt.sc/jt0qxx https://prnt.sc/jt0r5y <-- proofs of dying and losing guns (Grzegorz is my friend)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vseieejdtkosye0/perpheads_demo_2018-6-9 20-23-55.dem?dl=0 <--- Demo
: I don't think it's important as there is plays.tv video, but the action were on end of the demo, cuz I DC'ed after the situation.

All 3 users will recieve warnings for their actions. You can make a refund request on the items you lost.
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