Less-Lethal Shotgun

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Topic: Add a less-Lethal shotgun for SWAT.

Short explanation (in notes):


A less-lethal shotgun for SWAT only. This shotgun should have a very short distance so it wouldn't be abused.
When being shot with this shotgun, you are totally disorientated and move very slowly(Similar to the effect when you are crippled). The shotgun should deal little actual harm to your health, but the purpose is just to make you surrender, or give cops the ability to take you into custody without you being able to resist.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Because at this point in time, if there is an armed suspect, pretty much the only way we can arrest them without having to shoot them first and then get them revived, is by either them surrendering(Which never happens) or SWAT managing to blind them with a flashbang(Hardly ever works).

With this added, SWAT would have the ability to make a suspect completely harmless as long as they are close enough. This allows for more realistic RP(Not like we haven't heard that before, amirite?) since not all situation with armed suspects in real life ends out with a massive shootout and death.

Optional additions:

Making the person getting shot drop the currently equipped weapon as soon as he is shot?(Could be abused though)

Making the suspect temporarily unable to fire his weapon.
The whole purpose of a SWAT team is to deal with high-risk warrants where there is a high inherent risk of death or injury involved (i.e a base using high powered rifles, handguns or shotguns etc). Running around with a shotgun that doesn't actually kill in situations such as those seem nonsensical and counterproductive.
The only time these would ACTUALLY be used is when dealing with suspects with melee weapons such as knives or bats, or during protests where the involved law enforcement have to subdue aggressive suspects
If anything they should be added for regular officers, where they would somehow retrieve it from their vehicle in such cases.
+support, not just SWAT should use it as all over the USA they are used. K9 officers have them, standard officers have them and YES swat have them, all Weaponless police teams have a LTL weapon specialist during every encounter UNLESS the threat of violence i.e. people have already been killed is high
Considering as of right now criminals are way overpowered than SWAT and the Police (thanks to the clash of clans defences that are being built) I do not believe this is needed, honestly SWAT should rather be given more lethal weapons to be able to make combat more realistic and quick instead of having a 1 hour long battle at slums which ends up in everyone crashing.
On other note check out what happend in 70' in Poland with less lethal weapons, by mistake they has been loaded in real ammunition and about 40 people in riot were shot dead. Would to love this kind of situations in game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Police need more less-lethal alternatives. The ground area between using your police weapon to kill a suspect and being killed yourself is currently very small. SWAT teams always seem to raid places guns blazing and come out with a bunch of lifeless bodies.

In reality, the SWAT is not some task force made to kill, it's a task force made to arrest/neutralize dangerous criminals.
I Can't see how this will help, honestly. In real life it is used to stun yes. On perpheads it could be used to Cripple and deal small damage. And so what? Criminals won't surrender after one shot with this. Even if their screen got completely blurred, they wouldn't surrender. There is no point in adding a gun with the purpose of making people surrender when every single player on the server hates the police and just keeps on running/shooting.
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