Looking for some router suggestions

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Henlo, our beloved FRITZ!Box 7360 SL is slowly dying. We're looking to replace it with a new one with preferrably more than 2 anntena's as we have around 4-5 devices connected with almost constant traffic if they're being used and don't want to replace it with a shitty SpeedPort router from our ISP, Telekom. I've also been getting packet loss lately which I am not sadly able to fix, it's an issue with our router. This is what our nearby network area looks like, this is not how it looked like before and whenever I switch to different channels all the other routers seem to switch aswell thanks to a feature called Wi-Fi Coexistence which when I turn it off still doesn't help. I can't switch over to ethernet yet, I'd have to get a powerline with ethernet connection (had one before, they're good in our house) so I'm stuck with wifi for now with a repeater on the floor that I am.

It's cyber week on Amazon right now so it's even better if you could find one that goes on sale. We had these in mind:
This one would probably the best option, our house is around 142qm²~ with multiple floors so this would be a good option.
Or a more budget option:
I'm rather uninformed about them so your guess is better than mine.