Server Suggestion Low-end Vehicle Improvements

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Suggestion Title: Low-end Vehicle Improvements
Suggestion Description: Increasing the stock top speed and upgrade speed of lower-end cars
(Cars like the Volvo 242, Volkswagen Camper, etc)

Why should this be added?:
- Players have more incentive to choose a wider array of cars
- Less cars would get stuck on on-ramps (had this happen to me several times in different cars and it is extremely frustrating)
- More player expression (I just like to drive shitty cars)
- Make getting a car under 500k more appealing
- Make driving less frustrating
- More police chases (From what I've seen there's either people with cars who cant outrun cops and will instantly get pitted, or the people who outspeed the cops to such a degree that they don't bother chasing them.)

What negatives could this have?:
- Possibly making some cars redundant
- Players might have less incentive to buy premium
- Newer players having faster cars may be a bad mix
I would love to see a 3rd/4th upgrade speed for some cars.

Take the the 370, I LOVE that car but it’s too slow. I would totally spunk my perp cash on making it go faster.

(Ez money sink Fredy!)
I disagree with just increasing speed of some low tier cars, in the end faster car is usually main motivation behind earning money. However main issue I have with low tier cars, is that some of them either struggle or can't go at all up the suburbs on ramp towards city. It causes some of the new players to drive on the wrong side of the highway, due to off-ramp having smaller angle thus being easier to "climb" for mini cooper. I'd be very happy to see some adjustments to low tier car, to ensure that all of them can climb up the on ramps.
I disagree with just increasing speed of some low tier cars, in the end faster car is usually main motivation behind earning money. However main issue I have with low tier cars, is that some of them either struggle or can't go at all up the suburbs on ramp towards city. It causes some of the new players to drive on the wrong side of the highway, due to off-ramp having smaller angle thus being easier to "climb" for mini cooper. I'd be very happy to see some adjustments to low tier car, to ensure that all of them can climb up the on ramps.
I get where you're coming from, and that's the main issue i want to address, but making it so the cars can be more useful earlier on so you aren't as handicapped against police/other players couldn't hurt. I feel like its a waste to have most of the cars be useless. I think this is the best solution to the on-ramp problem because the other way to fix it is directly editing map geometry in hammer to make the on-ramps less steep.
I think cars really need a low speed power boost/force script which would fix this issue of ramps and etc. Cars in gmod that should be able to move other cars cant because in source cars make 0 power at 0 speed practically. Like 5-10mph cutoff

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