Server Suggestion Lower the gun crafting skill requirements

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Suggestion Title: Lower the gun crafting skill requirements
Suggestion Description: Lower the crafting skill requirements for only the gun, the reason to do so is that people could buy gun kits to build a gun when they are at lower skill.

Why should this be added?:
- Help people sell more guns when they can't craft the parts
- Let people earn more

What negatives could this have?:
- Could take some time to decide how much to lower by
This is a really good suggestion. At least in real life, anybody could buy parts for a rifle and throw them together. Not everybody can take a hunk of metal and mill the individual parts themselves. Very realistic, very cool.
I have to agree with this but if you are buying said gun kits it needs to work out in my eyes slightly more than crafting it.
The assembly of a gun isn’t really the hardest part. 100% agreed. But making it so that everyone can assembles all guns at level 1 doesnt sound right either. I like the idea alot but at what levels you’d be able to assemble a sniper for example, is hard to determine. +1 for the original idea.
Awesome idea Roen, a really cool feature of this server is that you have gun parts but yet we seldom see them. This change would hopefully lead to more gun parts being sold at bazaar and thus we can enjoy the beautiful modelling work of each component. +1
I don't get it what would be the point of levelling up firearms skill if you can buy gun kits for cheaper? Where would you buy these gun kits?
From other players, and I never said it will be cheaper, just faster for the end user
Yeah you are right I don't know where I got that from however what would be the benefit of buying a gun kit from someone instead of the gun itself?
Get the gun and the experience as crafting high level items will give you the best xp, also you can resell it so we will have contractor work!
But wouldn't it have to be cheaper or else reselling would be impossible?
I Swear I have an open suggestion to removing the crafting requirements for making a gun from componenets.
Would the gun kits be certain firearms or will there be gun kits for every weapon you can craft?