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Not Sweden
My GTA V crashes when I try to load up LSPDFR, it shows the first few seconds of the flashing police lights then freezes then proceeds to crash. It comes up with the normal GTA V crash report which doesn't help at all.

Solutions I've tried:

Reinstalling GTA V (Wasted another whole day of my life)

Reinstalling all the modded files in case of corruption

Different versions of RPH

(And yes Singleplayer works fine)
Just use scripthook V, that's all you need. What mods are on there? Is it just LSPDFR or other police mods like
Traffic policer?
Might be that some mods are conflicting and you need to uninstall them.
Have you got the latest versions and such, or maybe goto the plugin settings and make it load in full screen windowed, that worked for me
@Jay_ Goto your anti virus (what ever one you have) and place LSPDFR installer (and all the other things for LSPDFR) under "exceptions") also include Gta 5. Might be an issue with your AV
@Jay_ there should be a file called "LSPDFR Installer". Yes? I Mean, that's what I had when I used it. Unless it's now no longer there, in which case, just add GTA 5, RagePluginHook and LSPDFR To The exception list