Lua Bug Report (Dispatch Bugs)

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United Kingdom
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Dispatch Bugs

How to reproduce the Bug: Today I played dispatcher for a while and noticed bugs that were quite annoying to play with. At least of these bugs has already been covered by another bug report, but I will identify it anyway as part of this thread to hopefully provide more information.

Issues faced:

  • When sitting down on a chair as a dispatcher with the dispatch HUD up, you are only able to communicate in voice chat via radio. Holding X to transmit does not work, meaning that if you wish to speak locally or on a phone call (911), you have to exit your chair. This is not practical and has to happen many times during a shift as a dispatcher.
  • The incident markers on the map do not update. I have attached a screenshot which shows that there are no active incidents on the 'Unanswered Incidents' panel however, the markers remain for old incidents remain on the map. These markers clutter up the workspace and make it harder to manage units on scene if another situation occurs.
  • If someone is inside the Police Department and tries to communicate with a dispatcher, all they hear is a radio transmitting noise. The noise you hear is constantly making a popping noise if you like and only fixes itself when the officer is far enough away from the dispatch office, I believe. This issue seems to impact officers in most places around the Police Department and can be quite annoying as you miss some transmissions.

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