Lua Bug Report (Extended prop limit can not be given out to people growing small christmas trees)

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Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Extended prop limit can not be given out to people growing small christmas trees

How to reproduce the Bug: Place at least one regular planter and fill them with Christmas seeds. Then, give yourself or let yourself be given extended prop limit. The prop limit will not be extended and no indication why that is the case will appear.
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Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Extended prop limit can not be given out to people growing small christmas trees

How to reproduce the Bug: Place at least one regular planter and fill them with Christmas seeds. Then, give yourself or let yourself be given extended prop limit. The prop limit will not be extended and no indication why that is the case will appear.
I believe this is the case due to the planters. It is to stop people being given the extended prop limit who have planters (and usually drugs) from being able to build big bases.

This has to do with the check if there are planters out and it would be alot of work to rewrite it to just check if you have christmas trees or drugs
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