Model Suggestion Magnet fishing and recycling

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Suggestion Title: Magnet fishing and recycling
Suggestion Description: Adding magnet fishing to perp, with a modified fishing rod and some new scrap props that can be recycled into scrap metal.

The rod itself:
- Should be craftable from a regular fishing rod, and a “magnet”, which should be purchasable from Ragnatech for about $1250
- Should have the body of a regular fishing rod, but the hook replaced with a square magnet, the half life 2 plug prop could work well for this.
- Should have the same item life as a fishing rod.
- Will take up a placed fishing rod slot.

Other implementations should include:
- Recycling NPC, likely located at scrapyard. Having scrapyard as a buyable property might likely need to be sacrificed however this could be remedied by adding a job site there too regarding trash collection, another open suggestion rn. Also, roadcrew impound lot would also work well as a spot for this, as it won’t involve taking scrapyard.

Rather than catching fish, crates, and trash bags, the Magnet rod will catch scrap metal, metal items catchable by regular fishing, and some new scrappable items which could double as placable props.

These new scrappable items should include, and be worth:
- Shopping trolley: should be recyclable into 4 scrap metal and a metal rod.
- Barrel piece: Should use a hl2 barrel fragment as its model and be worth 1 scrap metal.
- Empty can: Should exchange 3 cans for 1 scrap metal at the recycling NPC.
- Rusted gun: Should either be an AK47, Mac 11, M1911, PPK, Remington 870 or an M24 but with a rusted texture and cannot be used as a firearm, but placable as a prop. Upon scrapping these, you’ll get a box of springs and a random crafting component of that gun, such as the receiver, handguard, etc.

Why should this be added?:
- Scrap metal as a form of income via fishing
- The rod itself and the code for fishing all exists already so this wouldn’t need to be that complex.
- Paralake waterway is dirty
- Shopping trolley as a prop will serve some very nice rp build purposes as well as functionality.

What negatives could this have?:
- source engine fuckery resulting in a shopping trolley being flung from beach into a busy highway at Mach 10 speed (already a fishing issue though)
- Shopping trolley prop server crash exploit might become a thing.
Suggestion Title: Magnet fishing and recycling
Suggestion Description: Adding magnet fishing to perp, with a modified fishing rod and some new scrap props that can be recycled into scrap metal.

The rod itself:
- Should be craftable from a regular fishing rod, and a “magnet”, which should be purchasable from Ragnatech for about $1250
- Should have the body of a regular fishing rod, but the hook replaced with a square magnet, the half life 2 plug prop could work well for this.
- Should have the same item life as a fishing rod.
- Will take up a placed fishing rod slot.

Other implementations should include:
- Recycling NPC, likely located at scrapyard. Having scrapyard as a buyable property might likely need to be sacrificed however this could be remedied by adding a job site there too regarding trash collection, another open suggestion rn. Also, roadcrew impound lot would also work well as a spot for this, as it won’t involve taking scrapyard.

Rather than catching fish, crates, and trash bags, the Magnet rod will catch scrap metal, metal items catchable by regular fishing, and some new scrappable items which could double as placable props.

These new scrappable items should include, and be worth:
- Shopping trolley: should be recyclable into 4 scrap metal and a metal rod.
- Barrel piece: Should use a hl2 barrel fragment as its model and be worth 1 scrap metal.
- Empty can: Should exchange 3 cans for 1 scrap metal at the recycling NPC.
- Rusted gun: Should either be an AK47, Mac 11, M1911, PPK, Remington 870 or an M24 but with a rusted texture and cannot be used as a firearm, but placable as a prop. Upon scrapping these, you’ll get a box of springs and a random crafting component of that gun, such as the receiver, handguard, etc.

Why should this be added?:
- Scrap metal as a form of income via fishing
- The rod itself and the code for fishing all exists already so this wouldn’t need to be that complex.
- Paralake waterway is dirty
- Shopping trolley as a prop will serve some very nice rp build purposes as well as functionality.

What negatives could this have?:
- source engine fuckery resulting in a shopping trolley being flung from beach into a busy highway at Mach 10 speed (already a fishing issue though)
- Shopping trolley prop server crash exploit might become a thing.
add le ultra rare collectible guns aswell and like old guns , more stupid things like old boot, gives more of a adrenaline rush like casino

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