Server Suggestion Make Chop Shop timer start from after delivering the car.

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Suggestion Title: Make Chop Shop timer start from after delivering the car.
Suggestion Description: I was doing the chop shop mission and it took me a while to actually steal the car, I used 16 crowbars to get into the car which was ridiculous.

But I managed to steal it and evade police and drop it off, but right after I dropped it off I got a text saying it took too long the deal is off, after I had just stolen and evaded police succesfully and was waiting for the money.

Why should this be added?:
- Doesn't make sense that the chop shop guy would just text saying you took too long one minute after successfully delivering the car

What negatives could this have?:
- None

What problem would this suggestion solve?: My frustration at how long I spent actually trying to break into the car.

Useful Images:
I also just don’t see why Chop Shop should be once a day. People can farm hundreds of thousands of drugs but doing a 34k job is too far?