Make it easier to control M4A1 recoil

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: To have the M4A1 have more controllable recoil, it makes no sense for it to be so high in comparison to other guns like AK47/101. Even when using a rifle compensator, it's still ridiculously too much.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Diversity in weapons used
It's a fun gun to use

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Uh none I think, just needs to done properly and not be made too OP

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: N/A
M4 should have less recoil than the AK? Why in game is it so uncontrollable
It was changed due to the tickrate update. When all the guns got increased fire rates most guns are normal. 5.56 guns are all fucked. G36C, M4 and a few others.
It was changed due to the tickrate update. When all the guns got increased fire rates most guns are normal. 5.56 guns are all fucked. G36C, M4 and a few others.
It’s not 5.56 that is fucked. It’s certain guns, TinySlayer fixed the initial bug but their recoil/rpm is still changed due to tickrate update I believe.
It’s not 5.56 that is fucked. It’s certain guns, TinySlayer fixed the initial bug but their recoil/rpm is still changed due to tickrate update I believe.
If other guns are also fucked, could you also have those fixed too? I'm only mainly aware about the M4.
the only solution is to nerf all the aks into the ground so the m4 seems like a good choice.
this will stop every raid from happening on the server which is a positive too
the only solution is to nerf all the aks into the ground so the m4 seems like a good choice.
this will stop every raid from happening on the server which is a positive too
rp only, pog
A big con is that changing the slightest thing about any gun can have drastic consequences to their usability and power. As usual the entire community didn’t listen to tinyslayers in depth explanation about the tick rate, recoil changes etc. It’s not just a “drag a slider down” to decrease the recoil.

however pls fix m4 bad
Guns that are a bit silly now following tick rate updates (and before so even) from the peepooheads gun knower:

M4: not terrible but there’s a disproportionate damage to recoil ratio. Fires too fast, as a result of this even micro bursting at long range isn’t viable. As it stands the M4 isnt as fucked as it used to be.
SG 550: shoots slow for a burst weapon.
MP5A4: shoots faster and as a result has choppy recoil. Still usable but not as viable as it was before. A slight reduction in firerate would befit this gun well.p however as is it doesn’t hurt.
G36C: Same issue as M4, but the weapon should remain somewhat fast firing.
UZI: remove the stupid bouncing animation when it shoots or remodel the rear sight to be an open top U sight.
G3A3: Second cheapest sniper rifle yet seemingly the most powerful weapon on perp. This is an issue.
M24: Sways like a bitch. Is the only sniper that does this.
SCAR: Error 404 recoil not found.

The issue we face is that back when myself and a lot of other people joined the community, 5.56 was the best choice of firearm you could obtain due to its low recoil low spread setup allowing you to spray people at long range. Even without compensators, M4’s, Scars, L85’s, and even AUGs dominated in general combat situations and M16’s and SG550’s delivered bursts at an impeccably accurate and consistent rate, whilst every other gun, such as pistols, snipers and shotguns actually had a lot of recoil.

Hell, even any SMG that wasn’t a UMP, MP5K or UZI were literal shoulderbreakers (actually at this point iirc the UMP had really weird and hard to control recoil) This annoyed the fuck out of people as not only were the only firearms conventional officers could get broke their users wrists and noses more than they killed suspects, but the only way for people to get assault weapons as cop was to join TFU in there Bi annual application cycles. Lest we forget that at this point rifles also cost a small fortune for new players forcing them to use 500lbs of recoil weapons with 0 marksmanship, an issue we no longer face.

People were begging for 5.56 to be nerfed at one point and when it happened people complained. Regardless of what happens, people will complain. Whilst I agree that weapons do need adjusting, We’ll be in and endless loop of weapon balancing.
I'm happy to discuss and investigate weapon balances again. However a blind change to randomly make one firearm better isn't going to solve anything in the long term, it will just create a new imbalance.
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