Server Suggestion Make more things trigger the metal detector


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Description of the idea: Make more things trigger the metal detector. Not necessarily all of these things but some ideas:
  • Pieces of metal
  • Metal rods
  • Gun parts
  • Watches
  • Rings
  • Melee weapons

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More realistic
  • Stop the meta of "well he must have a gun"
    • I've seen people walk through metal detectors then get ninja cuffed and searched. I don't think triggering a metal detector is enough to search someone unless they consent or are in a restricted area.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Annoying sound because you'll be triggering it more
  • Make metal detectors powerful but by adding non-weapons to the trigger list it could also balance it

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
Doesn't this just completely remove the genuine utility of metal detectors and make them solely cosmetic? There needs to be a balance of utility & gameplay vs realism, and stuff like this just messes up that balance.

Melee weapons and gun parts might be a solid idea though.
I completely understand what you are trying to go for here but it would be even more aids to have metal detectors constantly trigger because everyone always has something on them that is made of metal.

Phones, jewelry, camera, binoculars, ammo etc etc. This means that if you have some sort of passive roleplay going on where no weapons are allowed, you would have to search EVERYONE.

I quote Sorle.
add a metal detector wand we need more melees - left click to wack them on the head and a right click to wand and search
It would make it more realistic however it would ruin the purpose of them. It would be better to keep it as it is so it can help people when defending their property as it is now.
If someone is getting ninja cuffed and searched for making a metal detector beep that isn't really realistic at all (unless it's in a government owned building) and kinda meta gamey.
It would make it more realistic however it would ruin the purpose of them. It would be better to keep it as it is so it can help people when defending their property as it is now.
This is the worse response I think I have seen. "it would ruin the purpose of them?" The purpose of the metal detector is not for a base defense prop. It is a RP prop and meant to detect metal.
I agree with metal objects in your inventory that’s a cool idea but not rings or anything clothing related as there’s no way to take them off without going back to the shop.