Make players shootable while sitting

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Hey, I think players should be able to get shot while sitting on a chair for a bunch of reasons:

1.First of all, this server is based in real life, and I'm pretty sure in real life you can shoot people that sit on a wooden fucking chair.
2.It's because players can pretend to be afk while sitting and they won't get shot and not lose their weapon if they get raided, maybe only their drugs. That happened to me literally five minutes ago, where we raided a guy that was sitting on a chair pretending to be afk. We were out of bobbies after I broke one on a door that triggered the cops and we could't at least shoot him to get his AK-47, and I think that's bullshit and people can easily exploit this. When people get raided they can just spawn a chair and sit there pretending to be afk and only lose their drugs if they have any.
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It's not possible to make it so you can shoot players sitting in chairs/vehicles/etc. due to the source engine. Else it would already have been done. That's also the reason for why you cannot shoot while sitting in a chair/vehicle/etc. although it is possible, it's an unfair advantage for the player sitting, as they cannot be shot themselves.
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It's not possible to make it so you can shoot players sitting in chairs/vehicles/etc. due to the source engine. Else it would already have been done. That's also the reason for why you cannot shoot while sitting in a chair/vehicle/etc. as although it is possible, it's an unfair advantage for the player sitting, as they cannot be shot themselves.
If you disable a person's vehicle and continue shooting at their car, you will cause damage to the player and it is possible to kill them. If you need proof, me and a few friends tried to mug a guy (Who ignored GP), so we shot his car, disabled it, and killed him by shooting at his car. If you want proof from one of the people, I can tag @Youseff Alardin here.
With chairs, it's horrible. We can't help that, it simply isnt possible to shoot people who are sitting down, since Source Engine is rubbish. Just make a /report the next time someone does this, and an admin should sort it out.
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