Make taser cause person to drop item

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Description of the idea: If a person is tased / ragdolled as a result of taser then it should cause them to drop any weapon they have in their hands similar to how this happens if someone dies

Why should this be added? (pros): [description/list of good aspects]
  • More uses for taser
  • More realistic
  • Prevents suspect from re-equipping item and fighting again, taser should end the confrontation
What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]
  • minge grabbing
@nutrient10 u said this is intended for melee weapons fair enough so say i pulled a melee weapon on a cop with a taser ofc he will tase me but if i pulled a melee weapon on a standard officer who hasnt got a taser whats he going do run after me with his nightstick ofc not he will pull his pistol and shot me dead only way this could work is if all officers was given a taser but then we go back to what people have said which is if all officers had tasers u have cops who will tase u and minge grab the gun.
@bonk Then just make a report, it would still be against the rules and staff members have an obligation to deal with it
“It’s not likely they’re gonna risk their rank for $580 confiscation money” as a long term member of IA And myself also being an IA investigator I know For a solid fact that you’ve seen more Officers risk their ranks for less.
@BigBenji Not really, like @A1L said you occasionally get the odd person that's an absolute minge and would do something like this, but it is still extremely rare and nobody that actually gives a shit is gonna risk their rank for this, everyone always seems to overestimate the number of 'bad' officers we have
@A1L nutrient said its mostly intended for melee weapons hence why i brought the point up cos like u i would go straight for my gun therefore whats the point in the suggestion?
@JJB Yeah I understand what you mean, I wasn't going against you I was just saying why would you use that in the first place, as nutrient said in the policy it says "3.1 Tasers should only be used against persons who are actively resisting, exhibiting active aggression, or to prevent individuals from physically injuring themselves or others.", so i mean yeah there's kinda no point in this suggestion, maybe a waste of time
@A1L Is there a policy stating you can't actually use a tazer against someone with a gun?
@LilChicken no idea if it’s been edited or not, but I mean it’s basically telling you not to use it against armed people since I mean atm it has stuff like the one I listed, but doesn’t say anything about armed people, but then another of it says “3.3 Tasers should not be replaced with deadly force and should only be used as defined in 2.1.” It’s 2am so I can’t really say yes or no but you can look at the policy here and determine for yourself if it is, which I mean you shouldn’t really but at the same time I guess it doesn’t say you can’t not? It’s weird as it shouldn’t replace deadly force so I mean technically no and technically yes.

@A1L just wondering really because I tazed someone with a revolver once and that was pretty fun I guess it’s kinda more 3.4 but I already had my tazer out ig
I’d rather see taser cartridges be added alongside this at least, no point in giving cops infinite taser ammo if they’re getting buffed like this.

Not 100% chance, and only weapons that are currently in peoples hands. If it causes issues I will lower the probability.
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