Make the ACOG iron sight the default option

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Description of the idea: Very minor addition but essentially, when you attach an ACOG or use a gun with an ACOG, have the iron sight as the default setting. (At the moment the ACOG scope is default and you have to swap if you want to use the iron sights)

Why should this be added? (pros): Makes things much easier and simple as the majority of the time you will be in close to medium range engagements and it's just a bit of a hassle in some situations where time is critical.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Only con that I can really see is that it is an extremely minor suggestion and might be a waste of time implementing, but would still be nice to have.

Other Additions: Maybe an option to toggle this in F1 > Options considering people dislike this?
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Why would the default option for a scope be the iron sight, that's just silly.
It's an ACOG the main purpose is to have zoomed vision not to use the iron sights
Makes things much easier and simple as the majority of the time you will be in close to medium range engagements and it's just a bit of a hassle in some situations where time is critical.
This point too me makes no sense if you are in a close to medium range battle then you wouldn't use one just don't put one on if ur in close range?
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