make the police transport van more resistant to fire

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Description of the idea: increases the ammount of time the police van must be in fire inorder for it to tier

Why should this be added? (pros): the van right now is tiered in the exact same ammount of time as other vehicles meaning you can just molotov it and blast everyone inside how ever this new suggestion would make it harder to do so and makes the van more realistic

What negatives could this have? (cons): we already have a tfu van so this could make it ''obslete'' but i dont think it would
as the fireproofing would be no were near as much as the tfu van

*Other additions: video of the van not really being set on fire even after multiple people try too

*Images: [useful images]
pretty pointless feature, no one really uses the transport van anyway
I don't think this change has any real practical use however I do agree that there should be some changes to the transport van. I would like to see it get a speed buff from 50 max to 65 max which would come with extra acceleration, as that would make it a usable option and not a one-time deployable thing.
That’s not really what this van is intended for you’re comparing 2 completely different use cases here. The van in the video will have a cage in the back for like 1 person and the PLPD van has space for quite a few obviously it’s different due to game constraints with people not being able to do much when sitting in the back of the van but the van you showed here is more used for rapid deployment of a large number of officers and public order incidents which with the PLPD transit it’s just not useable for those things therefore doesn’t need to be fireproof.
(On phone sorry for poor formatting/ grammar)
There is no point adding this feature.

The van should only be used for Transporting Suspects and not patrolling. If you are patrolling in this, there is a high chance you'll be told to pack it in and take a different vehicle as it does not provide any positive assistance to other units as it is slow and bulky.

I'd much prefer having it as a limited resupply station for bandages and other medical equipment.
@Mim's suggestion is very useful.
There is no point adding this feature.

The van should only be used for Transporting Suspects and not patrolling. If you are patrolling in this, there is a high chance you'll be told to pack it in and take a different vehicle as it does not provide any positive assistance to other units as it is slow and bulky.

I'd much prefer having it as a limited resupply station for bandages and other medical equipment.
@Mim's suggestion is very useful.
No offence I think it makes sense for at least one officer to patrol in the van as we arrest people all the time I wouldn’t want to go back and forth respawning different cars every time someone gets arrested
No offence I think it makes sense for at least one officer to patrol in the van as we arrest people all the time I wouldn’t want to go back and forth respawning different cars every time someone gets arrested
yeah true there should be 1 officer really patroling with the van but no one wants too because its unbareable
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