Suggestion Title: Mask AKA Baclava
Suggestion Description: A baclava or mask to use, while ur being wanted or most wanted searched by the police,
The baclava makes ur face go dissapear, your name wont show above ur head.
All you see is the clothes, but not the name.
Why should this be added?:
- Cause i think it will feel like more rp/add more rp, it will make harder for cops to reconize you, since some people do meta your name, even though you changed clothes. it adds kinda a bit more rp, for my thoughts,
Let me know what you guys think,
good or bad, its all good.!
What negatives could this have?:
- You cant see your name anymore
or your whole face.
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: A baclava or mask to use, while ur being wanted or most wanted searched by the police,
The baclava makes ur face go dissapear, your name wont show above ur head.
All you see is the clothes, but not the name.
Why should this be added?:
- Cause i think it will feel like more rp/add more rp, it will make harder for cops to reconize you, since some people do meta your name, even though you changed clothes. it adds kinda a bit more rp, for my thoughts,
Let me know what you guys think,
good or bad, its all good.!
What negatives could this have?:
- You cant see your name anymore
or your whole face.
Useful Images: