Massive Inactivity - Thanks

Reaction score
IKEA - Northern Europe
Hello guys, after my demotion (and before) I've been inactive, part of the reason is obviously that I got demoted, I find no reason to play perp at the moment as I do not enjoy just playing it, I loved working behind the scenes doing reports and such, it was one of my favourite things to do, now that I think about it... It was my favourite thing to do, I guess that's what happens when you've played the server for five years straight and been a staff member for the most of it...

I hope you understand that this isn't a goodbye, I won't ever leave this community, obviously I'll still be on the forums and post my somewhat idiotic statements.

I'd like to thank you all for a great year by the way, it's been a hell of a ride, man I even told a girl that the reason a person was playing with them was because he wanted to dip his dick into her vagina, imagine being demoted from Admin to Moderator for that :^)

Thanks PH