Matt Grands and Richard Zhariko's Ban Requast

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Your Steam/In-game Name: zXDroNEXz/Devon Propst
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Lamar-OOC/Richard Zhariko
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53544247
Why Should This Player Be Punished:6.3- NPCS - The player started to kidnapp me in a public area then proceeded to do so in a pretty public ally way which anyone would look into and call the cops and you would still be able to hear them doing so.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: It starts at the very beginning/Ends at End.
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Just saying the car that drove by could have called 911 and then cops could have came and killed those 2. Also people living in the houses etc.
It was really unessecary to kill you, yes.But it wasn't a mugging as they didn't ask you to drop items. It was also in front of an NPC, but I'll speak to another member of staff and discuss it. Also thanks for posting the YouTube video, I always stick both in as it makes the persons life easier who is handing the ban requests:)
This is not a mugging, it seems they are revenge killing you for calling the cops on them. If you still think its a mugging then why did they not take any items mate? It seems you just called the cops on them and they took revenge for it.
They're not mugging you and thus they're not breaking 5.1. However, they didn't take the NPC into consideration and that way breaking 6.3. Overall I'll give it a neutral support.
"Don't let 9 year olds play on the computer". Really, was that necessary? You broke 1.1.
The storage person was tied and gaged and the reason why you were shot the first 2 times was because you kept on saying umm.Which you were you stalling.
Well i must Say It was rather public the place you decided to commit the crime i mean people walking by can see you easily and the gagged NPC

Verdict: 3 days ban issued to [PH] Lamar-OOC

I put a lot of thought into this ban request, and in my opinion, this falls into section 5.1 as it was in a public setting as defined in definition 1.2 of the law list. Sure, you didn't take any items but it would come under this rule also there's also the argument of 2.5 being broken because you killed him after he did all that you asked. [PH] Lamar-OOC will receive the temporary ban of 3 days for these rule breakages.

6.3 doesn't come in here as they did take notice of the NPC.

Closed and moved.
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