Police Suggestion Mayor police state upfront and continuous cost scaling + effectiveness

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Suggestion Title: Mayor police state upfront and continuous cost scaling
Suggestion Description: Go through all of the police on a arbitrary time cycle, or connect it with a existing loop and reduce the upfront/continuous cost of the police state policy. Collusion with mayor and PD friend-groups can be prevented by making the continuous cost of police state scale dramatically if the policy was bought at a extreme discount.

- EDIT : Due to the arguments below the buff should include lower-end police. I have heard a lot about the redundancy of this policy due to the fact that it possibly does not effect the armor of the regular police officers.

The idea that this would make crime impossible under the policy is incorrect, people demolish TFU all the time on the server with AK variant weapons, in addition the policy SHOULD be expensive to enact, as it's essentially an emergency act.

The point that was made about cops already being over-powered is also not a real response to this suggestion, as in no way am I framing this to be a continuous policy that can be held for hours at a time.

Why should this be added?:
- It would make the later hours in the server (NA hours) more controllable for police, as in the past few days win-rates in situations likely drops dramatically.

- It would make mayor slightly more dynamic than just either having a saving / spending binary policy strategy.

What negatives could this have?:
- Possibly collusion with a mayor and a friend group of cops. This can easily be solved by setting a standard cost and comparing the discount to create a cost modifier for continuous government costs.

- Newer players with pistols likely won't survive a police raid given they have a warrant on them.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It would help solve a problem where the server is in a state where the police just cannot win without completely bankrupting the budget.
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Police State adds heavy armour and a Barrett M82 to Tier 2 TFOs armoury, considering during more NA hours, there are less TFOs on duty and therefore less firepower for the Police, making police state cheaper or bought at a discount wouldn't really matter all that much( as headshots still one shot majority of the time) and the Pistol cops wouldn't even be able to use the M82 provided.( which is the main reason its so expensive to activate in the first place.
Police State adds heavy armour and a Barrett M82 to Tier 2 TFOs armoury, considering during more NA hours, there are less TFOs on duty and therefore less firepower for the Police, making police state cheaper or bought at a discount wouldn't really matter all that much( as headshots still one shot majority of the time) and the Pistol cops wouldn't even be able to use the M82 provided.( which is the main reason its so expensive to activate in the first place.
I am going to update the suggestion to revamping the police state policy
Police State adds heavy armour and a Barrett M82 to Tier 2 TFOs armoury, considering during more NA hours, there are less TFOs on duty and therefore less firepower for the Police, making police state cheaper or bought at a discount wouldn't really matter all that much( as headshots still one shot majority of the time) and the Pistol cops wouldn't even be able to use the M82 provided.( which is the main reason its so expensive to activate in the first place.
Wait so the police state does not upgrade normal police armor? I've heard that it effects all police armor, is that incorrect?
Not to be that guy, but I just pretty much controlled the server for 2 hours with a desert eagle, Its less of the fact that they just can't win and more that alot of pistol cops aren't great at hitting shots. I also did a bank raid with a remington m24 with no sight and a suppressor, which is a terrible bolt action sniper. I guess the solution is to just, aim higher.

Although I do see the fact that newer players will not be as good as more experienced players, it wouldn't exactly be cool if you hit all your shots just for a pistol cop with 4 million armour to come and shoot you a few times and ruin your raid.

Your suggestion also doesn't consider the fact that players can just, kill the mayor to get rid of the policy, voiding this plan altogether.
Not to be that guy, but I just pretty much controlled the server for 2 hours with a desert eagle, Its less of the fact that they just can't win and more that alot of pistol cops aren't great at hitting shots. I also did a bank raid with a remington m24 with no sight and a suppressor, which is a terrible bolt action sniper. I guess the solution is to just, aim higher.
Did you only hit headshots? Cause the point I'm making is that unless you are hitting 99% headshots this policy would dramatically increase survivability of officers coordinated or not. Mind you this policy should fundamentally not be designed to be enacted for long periods of time.
Did you only hit headshots? Cause the point I'm making is that unless you are hitting 99% headshots this policy would dramatically increase survivability of officers coordinated or not. Mind you this policy should fundamentally not be designed to be enacted for long periods of time.
I hit alot of headshots but i also hit alot of body shots. But think about it, an automatic weapon is probably going to hit the head at one point in their spray.
I hit alot of headshots but i also hit alot of body shots. But think about it, an automatic weapon is probably going to hit the head at one point in their spray.
Yes if you have better firepower than the police you statistically are going to beat them, which is the basis of the policy suggestion, at the sacrifice of a ton of government money they can take more bullets and increase the chance of police win. A police officer taking one or two seconds longer to kill drastically changes the outcome in my opinion.
Yes if you have better firepower than the police you statistically are going to beat them, which is the basis of the policy suggestion, at the sacrifice of a ton of government money they can take more bullets and increase the chance of police win. A police officer taking one or two seconds longer to kill drastically changes the outcome in my opinion.
My point is that i didn't use an automatic weapon, I used a 7 round pistol and a 5 round bolt action sniper which does less than the pistol if i dont hit the head.

anyway im going to bed now so i wont be replying
My point is that i didn't use an automatic weapon, I used a 7 round pistol and a 5 round bolt action sniper which does less than the pistol if i dont hit the head.
What was your headshot percentage if you were to make a estimation

Edit : I missed some lines here's response maybe I'm tired apologies
1. There is a secret service policy to prevent the assassination of the mayor

2. Yes it would be quite frustrating for you to lose a raid to some dummy cop with 4 billion health, but which is probably a incentive to use higher caliber firearms to make up for the difference. Like you said people with automatic weapons are likely to hit the head more due to center-mass aiming and recoil.

Edit : Not sure what your logic is here but just because you are good at the game doesn't actually mean anything towards the suggestion and likely warrants something like this to be changed. Not every player is hitting 80% headshots with semi automatic weapons. The only counter argument thus far is that It's a skill issue, which is valid but is the basis of the suggestion itself.

I just want to make this abundantly clear that a policy like this should and likely wont be designed to be put into play for long periods of time
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"1. There is a secret service policy to prevent the assassination of the mayor"
This is already a thing.
"2. Yes it would be quite frustrating for you to lose a raid to some dummy cop with 4 billion health, but which is probably a incentive to use higher calibre firearms to make up for the difference. Like you said people with automatic weapons are likely to hit the head more due to center-mass aiming and recoil."
They already have higher health then normal players, and during peak times, and even sometimes in NA times, they have the numbers advantage, outsizing a raiding party in majority of situations, any player that isn't insane at FPS games or is a new player currently will struggle to fight and even have a remote chance of success against fighting against the cops, why give them more of an advantage ( considering they have more health, move faster when they aren't a TFO, have access to free firearms and utilities and normally have a larger amount of players)

Overall, there is no real need to make cops more powerful then they already are, as their current state can reward actually planning when you raid and having at least a chance of winning the situation and getting some profit from the bases you raid.
"1. There is a secret service policy to prevent the assassination of the mayor"
This is already a thing.
"2. Yes it would be quite frustrating for you to lose a raid to some dummy cop with 4 billion health, but which is probably a incentive to use higher calibre firearms to make up for the difference. Like you said people with automatic weapons are likely to hit the head more due to center-mass aiming and recoil."
They already have higher health then normal players, and during peak times, and even sometimes in NA times, they have the numbers advantage, outsizing a raiding party in majority of situations, any player that isn't insane at FPS games or is a new player currently will struggle to fight and even have a remote chance of success against fighting against the cops, why give them more of an advantage ( considering they have more health, move faster when they aren't a TFO, have access to free firearms and utilities and normally have a larger amount of players)

Overall, there is no real need to make cops more powerful then they already are, as their current state can reward actually planning when you raid and having at least a chance of winning the situation and getting some profit from the bases you raid.
For the numbers I was responding to crunchie, for the bottom portion of your reply the image being presented is that the police state policy is inherently redundant given a multitude of variables such as possibly a bad mayor, or no mayor, or no government funding. If there are zergs online during these hours and there are no TFU present, there needs to be something to combat the constant wipes the PD receives.
your whole argument to this entire suggestion is "we need barret m82 to save mayor!"
1. I assume when you are playing NA times the server pop is usually pretty low (40-60 players, 20 of which are usually afk) so there is usually no need to put on 25% sales tax or other policies unless you are actively trying to bait players into hunting you down.
2. Putting on the police state to save the mayor is usually useless as if you arent stupid you just go into city hall quietly kill the mayor and escape.
3. From last nights expirience there was only around 5-6 cops on, one of which was a seargent and the rest pistol cops. only one i believe that had TFU training so the barret m82 would be 90% useless anyway.
your whole argument to this entire suggestion is "we need barret m82 to save mayor!"
1. I assume when you are playing NA times the server pop is usually pretty low (40-60 players, 20 of which are usually afk) so there is usually no need to put on 25% sales tax or other policies unless you are actively trying to bait players into hunting you down.
2. Putting on the police state to save the mayor is usually useless as if you arent stupid you just go into city hall quietly kill the mayor and escape.
3. From last nights expirience there was only around 5-6 cops on, one of which was a seargent and the rest pistol cops. only one i believe that had TFU training so the barret m82 would be 90% useless anyway.
1. Is exactly why there should be additional effects to using the policy as mayors who use it likely are just using it to guzzle the government funds. This suggestion means that if there are TFU on the policy gets more expensive. I have made edits to the original post as well saying that regular police should receive additional armor.

2. It is a useless policy at the NA night-time hours In its current state.

3. The post is the result of the last few days of watching police get demolished by groups of people driving around in super cars, in fact last night after losing the last regals situation half the force quit because they stood no chance.

Another thing is mayor is a pretty brain-rot position to have so the only real motivation as mayor is to drop sales tax to not die or raise all the taxes to make players angry.
Police state exists to basically give mayors a “good luck in trying to kill me when le police have an M82 and more armour!” Policy, it stands alone as a reason to kill a mayor because of the affect it has on crime and the city funds. It’s already a pretty powerful policy and it needs to be detrimental to function as a reason to not want to activate it, otherwise mayors would just put it on as a no harm done policy.

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