MegaGuyz - Applications

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Name(OOC): Vincent
Age(OOC): 14
Name(IG): Vincent Jenkins
Playtime: 1 week+
Firearms LVL: 1 (will start to invest soon)
Rifle Marksmanship: (dont know currently, will update soon)
What car do you own/Wish to own: I am either saving up for the cadilliac or the holden, both seem good.
How do you rate your aim? (1-10): 5
Why do you want to join this organization? I want to join an organisation what I can start earning money in again and so I can make some new friends who are willing to protect me from people wanting to put bullets in my head.
Name(OOC): Al Capone
Age(OOC): 16
Name(IG): James Ghost
Playtime: 2 Weeks
Firearms LVL: 20
Rifle Marksmanship: 15
What car do you own/Wish to own: I have mini cooper i want a buggati
How do you rate your aim? (1-10): 6-7
Why do you want to join this organization? Because i need a org lol
Please note this application is for when I'm unbanned and that won't be long.

Age(OOC): 18
Name(IG): Aaron Doman
Playtime: 5 months
Firearms LVL: 108
Rifle Marksmanship: 10
What car do you own:

Bugatti SS
Bugatti 16.4
McLaren p1
Mini Cooper

How do you rate your aim? (1-10): 8

Why do you want to join this organisation? Rich and is a respected member in the community with a load of online mates
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